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To Ensure the Continuance of the Educational Process: The University of Sharjah Starts Early Registration

Coming within the framework of the University of Sharjah's endeavor to ensure the continuity of the educational process for its students in various specializations and study programs, and in compliance with the precautionary measures taken by the United Arab Emirates to reduce the spread of the Corona Virus (COVID-19).

The University's Registration Department has developed all the services it provides electronically, including official documents such as academic records and statements, which can be submitted through the Self-Service Banner system. This was stated by Ms. Reem Al-Hashemi, Director of the Registration Department, and added that all University students have been contacted through the available electronic means to announce the availability of the course schedule for the Summer 2019/2020 and Fall 2020/2021 semesters. The student will be able – using electronic means – to know the registration and payment services available, to identify the academic advisor assigned to each student, as well as see an educational video link explaining the way to register the courses through the Self-Service section in the Banner system. Students can also know the registration dates through viewing the detailed schedule for each academic level. The registration period will start from April 12th, 2020 and will end for the Summer Semester on the June 8th, 2020 and for the Fall Semester it will start on September 3rd, 2020. The Summer Semester courses will be taught using the distance learning system.


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