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SIFHAMS Concludes 5th Edition of International Graduate Winter School 2024

The Sharjah International Foundation for the History of Muslim and Arab Sciences (SIFHAMS) at the University of Sharjah successfully wrapped up the fifth edition of the International Graduate Winter School for the year 2024, themed "Scientific Tradition in Islamic Civilization". The program of the school spanned seven days and welcomed approximately 370 postgraduate students, with 50 attending in person and around 320 participating virtually.In collaboration with the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences and Technology (SAASST), the school partnered with the Warburg Institute at the University of London, Utrecht University in the Netherlands, University of Uskudar in Turkey, King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia, MES Mampad College in India, and the Physics Institute at the University of Cologne in Germany.Prof. Youssef Al Haik, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, UoS, welcomed participants of the International Winter School, highlighting the role of the school in fostering collaboration between diverse universities, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and expertise, and building academic relationships among postgraduate students from various universities.

The seven-days program of the International Winter school included two scientific lectures per day, followed by discussion sessions and a series of workshops. Prof. Alparslan Açıkgenç from the University of Uskudar in Turkey, delivered a lecture on the “Concept of Knowledge in Islamic Civilization: An Introduction”. Prof. Mashhad Al-Allaf, Professor of Philosophy of Science, Ethics, Logic, and Islamic Studies at UoS, discussed the “Original Texts of Philosophy in Islamic Civilization: From Al-Kindi to Muhammad Iqbal”. Prof. Charles Burnett from the Warburg Institute, University of London, presented a lecture titled “Translation Movement in Islamic Civilization with a Special Focus to the Period of Translation from Arabic into Latin”. Prof. Maamoun Saleh Ab- dulkarim from UoS, addressed the importance of protecting heritage and its distinction in Islamic civilization, while Prof. Hisham Mortada from King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia, delivered a scientific lecture titled: “Arabic and Islamic Architecture and its Global Influence: Selected Topics.”

In addition, Prof. Nader El-Bizri, Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, UoS, addressed the Philosophy of Arts and Architecture in Islamic Civilization. Dr. Sabique Modavan Kolavan, MES Mampad College, India, presented a lecture on the features of psychology in philosophy and Arab philosophers. Prof. Jan P.Hogendijk, Utrecht University, Netherlands, talked about the history of mathematics in Islamic scientific tradition. Prof. Andreas Eckart, University of Cologne, Germany, delivered a lecture titled “Selected Topics and Works on Astrophysics in the Muslim History”. Prof. Mashhoor Al Wardat, Professor of Astrophysics, UoS, and Director of Academic Affairs Department, SAASST, discussed the Unique Aspects of the Islamic Astronomical Knowledge.

Participants also visited SAASST, in the presence of Prof. Mesut Idriz, Director of SIFHAMS, and by Prof. Mashhoor Al Wardat, Professor of Astrophysics, UoS, and Director of Academic Affairs Department, SAASST. Participants explored the scientific exhibitions and the Sharjah Planetarium,gained insights into the latest research development in astronomy and space, and were exposed to a collection of instruments and artifacts that reflect the Islamic heritage such as the astrolabe. Participants also enjoyed an observational camp in Maliha Desert, UAE, which was organized in collaboration with the Emirates Astronomical Society. During the camp, participants were introduced to constellations, learned how to use telescopes, and had the opportunity to observe planets, stars, exploring the night sky.


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