SAASST, UoS Hosts 2nd Workshop on Binary and Multiple Stars
The Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST) of the University of Sharjah (UoS), and the UoS's College of Sciences, in cooperation with the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS), hosted the 2nd workshop on Binary and Multiple Stars, with enthusiastic participation of more than 50 students from various local universities and schools both online and in person. The workshop was dilivered by Prof. Mashhoor Al-Wardat, Professor of Astrophysics at UoS, and Director of Academic Affairs at SAASST.
The workshop addressed the capabilities of the Academy's Sharjah Astronomical Observatory (SAO) in observing stars and exoplanets, the process of collecting and using astronomical data from the specialized catalogs, and implementing Al-Wardat's method used for analyzing binary and multiple stars. The workshop also featured a series of scientific lectures on binary stars and the application of the mentioned methods on spectroscopic binaries, presented by faculty members and specialists from Arab universities.
The workshop was organized in line with the Academy's dedication to serving and educating members of society acroess various fields of space sciences. SAASST aims to establish itself as a global leader in space science research and contribute to consolidating the country's position as a scientific center on the regional and global level.