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SAASST Organizes a Workshop on Image Classification in Astronomy

The Space Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL) at the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST) of the University of Sharjah (UoS), held a special workshop titled Image Classification in Astronomy: Techniques and Applications, as part of the series of specialized workshops conducted at SAASST. The workshop featured scientific lectures followed by hands-on sessions delivered by specialists in astronomy and space sciences.

The workshop covered several topics, starting with an overview of the images generated from Space-based and ground-based telescopes, by Prof. Ilias Fernini, Director of the Space Sciences Department, SAASST, who discussed challenges in image classification in astronomy. Prof. Ahmed Bouridane, Professor and Director of the Cybersecurity and Data Analytics Center (CDAC), College of Computing and Informatics, UoS, addressed Digital Multimedia Steganalysis in unsecure environments.

Ms. Aisha Alowais, Research Assistant, highlighted the different types of image Classification and its applications in astronomy, and discussed its relationship to machine learning. The final talk was given by Ms. Munya Alkhalifa who presented the key steps into building an image classifier, and associated these steps with a real-world application examples.


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