Graduating from university is a huge accomplishment, graduating means to me ending the adult children and starting the new life with more responsibilities and new authorities. I want to express my feeling as a graduate I would write my impressions of things I have learned, the experiences I have had, and the friends that I have met along the way. I had been in university for five years, I can't forget the days I went through and difficulties I faced and the pressure I experienced. It is the years of adversity, patience, and tenderness. It is five years full of events, attitudes and experiences, full of scientific and civilized communication, which is mixed with the smell of anxiety, confusion, and frustration, including what shook the ecstasy of success, excellence.
A scientific competition was the first and last to reach the summit. I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to those who have been the cause of the continuation and completion of my study trip. Those who have stood with me in the most difficult circumstances and motivated me to persevere, continue and not to despair.
I offer you the most beautiful words of thanks and gratitude from a heart that respects you. I would like to thank Doctor Asharf Al-Zaghlol because in the first year I've faced difficulties with the study plan and he was my academic advisor, so he helped me with all love and open-mindedness, I would thank Doctor Syed Azizur Although his exams were challenging and most of his exams were written and he was always giving us written assignments and I was still angry and upset, but now I want to thank him because if he did not force us to do the written assignments, I would not be able to write a logbook in the hospital training for the last semester .
Also, I would like to thank Doctor Amina Al-Marzooqi for sharing with us her experiences that benefited me greatly and influenced me and will help me in the field of work in future. Her teaching way is different, in a minute you can get the point of the lecture because she was always given as a real situation related to lecture we had. I wish to be like her in my future work, like her strong, serious personality, educated and very kind heart.
Finally, I would like to thank Doctor Michael E. Otim. The smile was always on his face; he was always considered to my circumstances. The great achievement I achieved during the five years is a beautiful response to the United Arab Emirates for its security, stability, and welfare that I will not find in any other country.