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Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health Sciences

College of Health Sciences
Environmental Health Sciences
Study System
Total Credit Hours
134 Cr.Hrs
Sharjah Main Campus
Study Mode
Full Time

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health Sciences​​​​

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Upon successful completion of the BS program in EH, graduates will be able to:

  • Analyze the impacts of environmental and occupational agents on human health.
  • ​Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards.

  • Characterize common pollutants in water/wastewater and their health impacts.
  • Describe the principles of water/wastewater/solid and hazardous wastes treatment.


  • Explain the principles of food poisoning and food-borne infections by implementing food control measures.


  • Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments.
  • Explain the types and roles of vectors in disease transmission and modes to control them.
  • Identify the basic concepts of environmental and occupational toxicology.
  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment.

National Qualifications Framework (NQF)

The following matrix shows the alignment of the Program Learning Outcomes with the Emirates National Qualifications

Framework strands.


NQF Emirates Strand ​​
Program Learning Outcomes

specialized factual and theoretical knowledge and an understanding of the boundaries in a field of work or discipline, encompassing a broad and coherent body of knowledge and concepts, with substantive depth in the underlying principles and theoretical concepts
  • Explain the principles of food poisoning and food-borne infections by implementing food control measures
  • Characterize common pollutants in water/wastewater and their health impacts 
  • Explain the types and roles of vectors in disease transmission and modes to control them
  • Identify the basic concepts of environmental and occupational toxicology
an understanding of allied knowledge and theories in related fields of work or disciplines and in the case of professional disciplines including related regulations, standards, codes, conventions
  • Analyze the impacts of environmental and occupational agents on human health
  • Describe the principles of water/wastewater/solid and hazardous wastes treatment  
  • Explain the principles of food poisoning and food-borne infections by implementing food control measures
understanding of critical approach to the creation and compilation of a systematic and coherent body of knowledge and concepts gained from a range of sources
  • Analyze the impacts of environmental and occupational agents on human health
  • Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards
  • Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments
  • Explain the types and roles of vectors in disease transmission and modes to control them
a comprehensive understanding of critical analysis, research systems and methods and evaluative problem-solving techniques
  • Analyze the impacts of environmental and occupational agents on human health
  • Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards
  • Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments
  • Explain the types and roles of vectors in disease transmission and modes to control them
familiarity with sources of current and new research and knowledge with integration of concepts from outside fields
  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment
​​Skills ​ ​ ​

technical, creative and analytical skills appropriate to solving specialised problems using evidentiary and procedural based processes in predictable and new contexts that include devising and sustaining arguments associated

with a field of work or discipline

  • Analyze the impacts of environmental and occupational agents on human health
  • Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards
  • Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments
  • Explain the types and roles of vectors in disease transmission and modes to control them
evaluating, selecting and applying appropriate methods, procedures or techniques in processes of investigation towards identified solutions
  • Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards
  • Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments
evaluating and implementing appropriate research tools and strategies associated with the field of work or discipline
  • Analyze the impacts of environmental and occupational agents on human health
  • Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards
  • Characterize common pollutants in water/wastewater and their health impacts 
  • Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments
  • Explain the types and roles of vectors in disease transmission and modes to control them
highly developed advanced communication and information technology skills to present, explain and/or critique complex and unpredictable matters
  • Describe the principles of water/wastewater/solid and hazardous wastes treatment  
  • Explain the principles of food poisoning and food-borne infections by implementing food control measures
  • Explain the types and roles of vectors in disease transmission and modes to control them
  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment
​​​Autonomy and responsibility ​ ​ ​can take responsibility for developing innovative and advanced approaches to evaluating and managing complex and unpredictable work procedures and processes, resources or learning

- Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards

- Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments

  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment
can manage technical, supervisory or design processes in unpredictable, unfamiliar and varying contexts

- Characterize common pollutants in water/wastewater and their health impacts 

- Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments

  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment
can work creatively and/or effectively as an individual, in team leadership, managing contexts, across technical or professional activities

- Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments

  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment
can express an internalised, personal view, and accept responsibility to society at large and to socio-cultural norms and relationships

- Analyze the impacts of environmental and occupational agents on human health

- Explain the principles of food poisoning and food-borne infections by implementing food control measures

- Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments

  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment
​​Role in ​context ​ ​ ​can function with full autonomy in technical and supervisory contexts and adopt para-professional roles with little guidance

- Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards

- Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments

  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment
can take responsibility for the setting and achievement of group or individual outcomes and for the management and supervision of the work of others or self in the case of a specialisation in field of work or discipline

- Analyze the impacts of environmental and occupational agents on human health

- Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards

  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment
can participate in peer relationships with qualified practitioners and lead multiple, complex groups

- Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards

- Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments

  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment
can take responsibility for managing the professional development and direct mentoring of individuals and groups

- Analyze the impacts of environmental and occupational agents on human health

- Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards

- Characterize common pollutants in water/wastewater and their health impacts 

- Identify the basic concepts of environmental and occupational toxicology 

  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment
​​Self-development ​ ​can self-evaluate and take responsibility for contributing to professional practice, and undertake regular professional development and/ or further learning

- Analyze the impacts of environmental and occupational agents on human health

- Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards

- Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments

  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment
can manage learning tasks independently and professionally, in complex and sometimes unfamiliar learning contexts

- Analyze the impacts of environmental and occupational agents on human health

- Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards

- Characterize common pollutants in water/wastewater and their health impacts 

- Interpret the roles and functions of microorganisms in various environments

  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment
can contribute to and observe ethical standards

- Analyze the impacts of environmental and occupational agents on human health

- Apply appropriate and effective control measures for environmental and occupational hazards

- Characterize common pollutants in water/wastewater and their health impacts 

  • Apply knowledge, research, and practice relevant to environmental health and risk assessment

Career Opportunities

Environmental Health Graduates have various employment opportunities in Municipalities; Ministry of Climate Change and Environment;  Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Education; Universities, Environmental Research Centers and Institutions, Industries, Petroleum companies, Civil Defense, UAE federal Environmental Agency, Environmental Research and Wildlife Development, Consultancy agencies, Non- governmental Organizations (National, Regional and International) related to Environment, Health and safety.


Program Overview
The program is designed to meet the goals of the Department of Environmental Health Sciences. A student undertaking this
program should complete a total of 134 credit hours distributed as shown in the following table:

BSc. in Environmental Health Program (134 Credits) ​ ​ ​ ​
Mandatory Credits152480119
Elective Credits9-615


I. University Requirements
The list of the University required courses and their descriptions are presented in the introductory pages of the College of Health Sciences section in this bulletin.


II. College Requirements
The list of the College required courses and their descriptions are presented in the introductory pages of the College of Health Sciences section in this bulletin.

III. Program Requirements
The Environmental Health program requires the completion of 86 credit hours, 80 of which are core requirements and 6 are electives as described below.

A. Core requirements

The core courses of the Environmental Health program encompass the 80 credit hours listed in the table below.

Course #TitleCr-Hrs.Prerequisites
0501257General Microbiology30500150
0503263Health Education and Health Promotion3-
0504362Epidemiology and Population Health30504252
0506250Introduction to Environmental Health3-
0506262Environmental Microbiology30501257
0506263Water and Wastewater Sanitation40506250
0506264Vector  Control30500150
0506350Integrated Solid Waste Management30506261
0506351Atmospheric Pollution3


Co: 0506352

0506352Occupational Health and Safety3-
0506353Environmental Pollution and Pesticides31426215
0506261Management of Hazardous Wastes30506250
0506360Physical Hazards Assessment and Control3


Co: 0506361

0506361Environmental and Occupational Hygiene Measurement and Instrumentation3


Co: 0506360

0506362Food Safety and Quality30501257
0506364Environmental Health Management and Legislation3-
0506365Field Training 12



0506452Local Environmental Issues3-
0506453Building and Human Habitation3-
0506454Risk and Environmental Impact Assessment30506250
0506455Environmental Toxicology31426215; 0506352
0506456Field Training 220506365
0506461Graduation Project30500450
0506464Petroleum Pollution and the Environment30506352; 0506351
0506469Field Training 320506456
Organic Chemistry for Health Sciences
1440163Calculus for Health Sciences


B. Elective Courses

Environmental Health requires 6 credit hours of elective courses chosen from the list given in the table below.

Course #Course TitleCrHrsPrerequisite
0506465Occupational Accidents30506352
0506467Marine Ecology30500150
0503261Psychosocial Aspects in Health Professions3 
0503462Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Profession3 
0507250Introduction to Nutrition30500160


Study Plan
The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health program encompasses 134 credits hours that are spread over eight semesters and could be completed in four years. The following distribution of courses by semester facilitates student’s normal progression through the study plan.
Year I, Level 1 (Freshman), Semester 1 , Fall  (16 Credits) ​ ​ ​
Course #Course TitleCrHrsPrerequisites
0201102Arabic Languages3 
0202121English for Medical Sciences3 
0500161Introduction to Health Sciences2 
1426155General Chemistry for Health Sciences4 


Year 1, Level 1 (Freshman), Semester 2,  Spring (17 Credits) ​ ​ ​
Course #TitleCrHrsPrerequisites
0104100Islamic Culture3 
0500160Human Anatomy and Physiology4 
1411100Introduction to Information Technology3 
1430107General Physics for Health Sciences4 
 University Elective (1)3 

Year 2, Level 2 (sophomore), Semester 3, Fall (16 Credits) ​ ​ ​
Course #TileCrHrsPrerequisites
0501257General Microbiology30500150
0506250Introduction to Environmental Health3-
Organic Chemistry for Health Sciences​41426155
1440163Calculus for Health Sciences3-
 University Elective (2)3 

Year 2, Level 2 (sophomore), Semester 4, Spring (19 Credits) ​ ​ ​
Course #TitleCrHrsPrerequisites
0503263Health Education and Health Promotion3 
0506261  Management of Hazardous Wastes30506250
0506262Environmental Microbiology30501257
0506263Water and Wastewater Sanitation40506250
0506264Vector Control30506250
 University Elective (3)3 

Year 3, Level 3 (junior), Semester 5 , Fall  (18 Credits) ​ ​ ​
0506350  Integrated Solid Waste Management30506261
0506351Atmospheric Pollution30506250; 0506352
0506352Occupational Health and Safety3 
0506353Environmental Pollution and Pesticides31426215
 University Elective (4)3 

Year 3, Level 3 (Junior), Semester 6,  Spring (17 Credits) ​ ​ ​
Course #TitleCrHrsPrerequisites
Epidemiology and Population Health30504252
506360Physical Hazards Assessment and Control3

1430107; 0506352;


0506361Environmental  and Occupational Hygiene Measurement and Instrumentation3

1430107; 0506360;


0506362Food Safety and Quality30501257
0506364 Environmental Health Management and Legislation3-
0506365 Field Training 120506263; 0506352

Year 4, Level 4 (Senior), Semester 7 , Fall  (17 Credits) ​ ​ ​
Course #TileCrHrsPrerequisites
0500450Introduction to Research3-
0506452Local Environmental Issues3-
0506454Risk and Environmental Impact Assessment30506250
0506455Environmental Toxicology31426215; 0506352
0506456 Field Training 220506365
  Department Elective (1)3-


Year 4, S Level 4 (Senior), Semester 8, Spring   (14 Credits) ​ ​ ​
Course #TitleCrHrsPrerequisites
0506464 Petroleum Pollution and the Environment30506352; 0506351
0506453 Building and Human Habitation3-
0506469 Field Training 320506456
0506461Graduation Project30500450
 Department Elective (2)3 

Course Description
Courses that are offered by the Environmental Health program are designated by the code (0506ABC) where ABC represents the year, term and sequence as described in the College Section.


Core Courses

 Descriptions of the core courses are given below.

0506250Introduction to Environmental Health3-0-0:3
This introductory course focuses on the interdisciplinary nature of environmental health issues. Different topics are covered including: Air and water pollution, food safety, solid and hazardous wastes management, environmental and occupational hazards. Diseases related to air and water pollution will be addressed. ​ ​

0506350Integrated Solid Waste Management 3-0-0:3

Prerequisites: Management of Hazardous wastes (0506261).

This course will enable students to understand the source, types and composition of solid waste. The steps and methods used in the integrated solid waste management will be covered. Major emphasis is placed on the application of integrated pollution control techniques. Prerequisites: Management of Hazardous wastes (0506261). ​

0506262Environmental Microbiology2-3-0:3
Prerequisites: General Microbiology (0501257).
This course focuses on the major roles of microorganisms in the geochemistry of the earth. The students will learn about the functions and metabolism of microorganisms in marine and fresh water ecosystems, air, soil, food, oil, waste disposal, recycling and agriculture. In addition, the course provides the students with the basic laboratory techniques in isolating different micro-organisms from food, air, water and human body. Prerequisites: General Microbiology (0501257). ​ ​

0506263Water and Wastewater Sanitation3-3-0:4
Prerequisites: Introduction to Environmental Health (0506250).
This course focuses on the physical, chemical and microbial aspects of water and wastewater. Students will under- stand the importance of water quality to environmental health status and appreciate the administrative framework for the protection of water sources. Water chemistry, demand, measurement techniques, aquifer characteristics and drinking water sources are discussed. It also covers the different treatment systems available for dealing with waste- water, including principles, types, appropriateness, design and loading criteria. In addition, this course enables students to gain a working knowledge of the analytical and quantitative techniques employed in water and wastewater quality monitoring and control. Proper interpretation of result and recommendations for preventive measures are emphasized. Prerequisites: Introduction to Environmental Health (0506250). ​


0506264Vector Control3-0-0:3
Prerequisites: Introduction to Environmental Health (0506250).
This course introduces vectors of public health significance. The life history, health significance and methods of identification of pests encountered are discussed, in addition to current chemical, physical, and biological control methods. Prerequisites: Introduction to Environmental Health (0506250). ​ ​

0506261 Management of Hazardous Wastes3-0-0:3

Prerequisites: Introduction to Environmental Health (0506250).

This course enables students to understand the types and the sources of the hazardous wastes. Collection, transfer and disposal of the hazardous wastes are discussed, in addition to several hazardous waste management strategies. Prerequisites: Introduction to Environmental Health (0506250). ​


0506351Atmospheric Pollution3-0-0:3
Prerequisites: Introduction to Environmental Health (0506250). Co- requisite: Occupational Health and Safety (0506352).
This course enables students to appreciate the importance of air quality to environmental health status. Major emphasis is placed on emission sources, characteristics of primary and secondary pollutant, ozone depletion and global warming. In addition to air pollution monitoring techniques and air quality management technologies. Prerequisites: Introduction to Environmental Health (0506250). Co- requisite: Occupational Health and Safety (0506352). ​ ​



  Occupational Health and Safety



This course presents an overview of the concepts of occupational health and safety with emphasis on the identification, assessment, measurement and control of hazards and risks found in the working environment. Workplace design, protective equipment, safety auditing and management systems are also discussed  ​

0506353Environmental Pollution and Pesticides3-0-0:3
Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry (1426217).
This course enables the students to gain an appreciation of the uses of different types of pesticides and their effects on the environment and human. Control measures will also be addressed. Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry (1426217). ​ ​


0506360Physical Hazards Assessment and Control3-0-0:3
Prerequisites: Occupational Health and Safety (0506352), General Physics for Health Sciences (1430107); Co- requisite: Environmental and Occupational Hygiene Measurement and Instrumentation (0506361).
This course provides the students with the necessary knowledge, principles and skills that enhance them to assess, evaluate and control physical hazards (Noise, Heat, Radiation, Light) as potential occupational and environmental hazards. Prerequisites: Occupational Health and Safety (0506352), General Physics for Health Sciences (1430107); Co- requisite: Environmental and Occupational Hygiene Measurement and Instrumentation (0506361). ​ ​


0506361Environmental and Occupational Hygiene Measurement and Instrumentation2-3-0:3
Prerequisites: Occupational Health and Safety (0506352) and General Physics for Health Sciences (1430107); Co- requisite: Physical Hazards Assessment and Control (0506360).
This course will enable students to learn the operating principles, advantages and limitations of various types of equipment used to evaluate environmental and occupational hazards. To understand the exposure measurement and statistical error associated with. In addition, the students will be trained to use direct reading instruments. Pre- requisites: Occupational Health and Safety (0506352) and General Physics for Health Sciences (1430107); Co- requisite: Physical Hazards Assessment and Control (0506360). ​ ​


0506362Food Safety and Quality2-3-0:3
This course provides the students with the necessary background acquaintance and skills to comprehend how pathogens cause disease, sources and transmission of bacteria in foods, human, animal, and environmental reservoirs and cross contamination. It will also provide information concerned with food safety regulations, food safety management, microbial growth and control in food preparation and processing operations as well as sanitary equipment and facility design. Prerequisites: General microbiology (0501257). ​ ​

0506364Environmental Health Management and Legislations3-0-0:3
Prerequisites: None.
This course helps students to develop an awareness of the procedures of the legal system. Type, origin and purpose of national and international law are discussed. Major emphasis is placed on the framework of environmental and occupational health legislation at sub-national, national and international levels. Food quality legislation systems are thoroughly discussed. Prerequisites: None. ​ ​


0506452Local Environmental Issues3-0-0:3
Co-requisite: Risk and Environmental Impact Assessment (0506454).
This course exposes the students to the interaction of the different sources of pollutants and their effects on the local ecosystems (including desert, mountains, marine and groundwater). In addition, the impact of industrial development and oil production, processing and transportation on the local environment will be covered. Co-requisite: Risk and Environmental Impact Assessment (0506454). ​ ​

0506453Building and Human Habitation3-0-0:3

Prerequisites: None.

This course will enable the students to understand the principles of the safety of the buildings and construction and

the indoor health problems. Prerequisites: None.

​ ​

0506455Environmental Toxicology3-0-0:3

Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry (1426215) and Occupational Health and Safety (0506352).

This course assists students to comprehend the basic concepts of environmental and occupational toxicology. It focuses on the exposure routes of pollutants, mechanisms of toxic action, metabolism, storage and excretion, target sites and pathological effects of bio-toxins, and chemical compounds (symptoms and signs). In addition to risk perception and assessment. Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry (1426215) and Occupational Health and Safety (0506352). ​ ​

0506454Risk and Environmental Impact Assessment3-0-0:3

Prerequisites: 0506250.

This course consists of two parts; part one, addresses the principles of risk assessment , hazards identification, evaluation, and estimation of the levels of risks involved in a situation, their comparison against standards, and determination of an acceptable level of risk. The second part of the course presents an overview of the purpose, principles and process of Environmental Impact Assessment i.e. the impact of the proposal or project on the environment and human and the application of mitigation measures. Prerequisites: 0506250. ​ ​


0506464Petroleum Pollution and the Environment3-0-0:3
Prerequisites: atmospheric Pollution (0506351) and Occupational and safety (0506352).
This course helps the students to understand the impact of petroleum exploration, production, processing, refining and transportation on the human and environment (marine and terrestrial ecosystems). Control measures and safe storage and handling will be covered. Prerequisites: atmospheric Pollution (0506351) and Occupational and safety (0506352). ​ ​


0506365Field Training 10-0-6:2

Prerequisites: Water and Wastewater Sanitation (0506263), Occupational Health and Safety (0506352)

This course will offer the students the opportunity to utilize and develop competences acquired in the academic courses. The students will also benefit from the expertise of those already engaged in environmental and occupational health services. Emphasis will be placed on water and wastewater sanitation, solid and hazardous waste management, as well as occupational health and safety & atmospheric pollution. Prerequisites: Water and Wastewater Sanitation (0506263), Occupational Health and Safety (0506352) ​ ​


0506456Field Training 20-0-6:2

Prerequisites: Field Training 1 (0506365)

This course will offer the students the opportunity to utilize and develop competences acquired in the academic courses. The students will also benefit from the expertise of those already engaged in environmental and occupational health services. Emphasis will be placed on food safety and quality, occupational health and safety, and vector control. Prerequisites: Field Training 1 (0506365) ​ ​


0506469Field Training 30-0-6:2

Prerequisites: Field Training 2 (0506456). 

This course will offer the students the opportunity to utilize and develop competences acquired in the academic courses. The students will also benefit from the expertise of those already engaged in environmental and occupational health services. Emphasis will be placed on public health, green buildings and developments, renewable energy, and natural habitats (land and marine). Prerequisites: Field Training 2 (0506456 ) ​ ​

0506461Graduation Project1-0-6:3
Prerequisites: Introduction to Research (0500450).
This course provides students the opportunity to apply their research knowledge to the investigation of environmental or occupational health problems. Students will develop competence in hypothesis formulation, research methodology and analysis of laboratory or field data. Emphasis will be placed on investigating local environmental or occupational issues. Prerequisites: Introduction to Research (0500450).). ​ ​

Elective Courses

The possible elective courses offered by the Environmental Health Sciences department from which a student may choose from to satisfy the 6 credit hours electives requirements are described below.


0506465Occupational Accidents3-0-0:3
Prerequisites: Occupational Health and Safety (0506352).
This course will enable the participants to understand the causes of occupational accidents. Emphasis will be placed on methods of investigation, analysis and prevention of occupational accidents. Prerequisites: Occupational and safety (0506352). ​ ​


0506467Marine Ecology3-0-0:3
Prerequisites: Biology (0500150).
This course provides an overview of the marine environment as a habitat. Classification of the marine environment, some ecological and biological concepts including adaptation to life in the sea, living conditions on the bottom and the intertidal zone will be covered. Major emphasis will be placed on the human intervention in the sea. Prerequisites: Biology (0500150). ​ ​