It is a distinctive and bachelor's degree in the field of renewable energy- the fastest growing and most popular field in the world. This means it will provide great job opportunities in order to progress your engineering career.
- Why do you recommend this program to students looking for admission this year?
This degree has excellent job prospects. In addition, this is a very important field that aims to protect the planet by reducing global warming, while also providing many prestigious future job opportunities, as it is a very popular field.
- What are the career prospects of this program?
Our students study the basic topics related to chemical, mechanical and electrical engineering, with emphasis on sustainable and renewable energy engineering. This multidisciplinary degree not only offers job opportunities in the field of renewable energy but also many other engineerings (and non-engineering) career choices, as it is a versatile and well-respected degree choice by many employers.
- What kind of opportunities do students stand to gain from this course in the real world?
Students will gain a broad knowledge regarding energy production from renewable or energy sources (solar, wind, marine, etc.). Pursuing this degree means our students will be leaders in this leading engineering sector and will have the knowledge and potential to catapult into great job opportunities, as renewable energy is the most demanded field worldwide.
Khaled Saleh Husain Masaad, SREE graduate student.
- What is your feedback about this program?
The sustainable and renewable energy engineering program is one of the most diverse and knowledgeable on many levels, and here in UOS, we study everything related to the program. Although our program is very wide, yet we went through most of the subjects and physics mainly mechanical, fluid and thermodynamics, and more, to renewable sources like solar and wind energy systems.
- What are your career expectations from this program?
One reason I joined this program is because of the wide job opportunities our major offers, and due to the subject diversity of the program graduates can easily find a job in UAE or abroad, besides the main goal of most countries is to pave way for renewable energy sources instead of traditional energy industries.
- What kind of support are you getting from the university to complete this program successfully?
I always felt satisfied and happy during my time at the university. When I first started the university, I didn't find any problems during the registration, and my professors are all kind and ready to help me whenever I needed in every aspect of my life, whether its schoolwork or for my life because they see me as an engineer and they want to walk me through everything they went through so I don't do the same mistakes they did and become a good engineer.