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Master of Science in Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering

College of Engineering
Sustainable & Renewable Energy Engineering
Study System
Thesis and Courses
Total Credit Hours
33 Cr. Hrs
2-4 Years
Fall & Spring
Sharjah Main Campus
Study Mode
Full Time and Part Time

Master of Science in Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering

The University of Sharjah is the first university in the region to offer the unique specialty of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering. With a strong world momentum towards exploring new technologies for energy conversion, storage and management, the department has graduated hundreds of engineers since its establishment who have proven themselves as distinguished ambassadors for the University.

Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering is a intertwine between all engineering specialties that caters for energy conversion, efficiency, storage and sustainability. The discipline is often claimed by classical engineering department, such as mechanical, electrical and chemical engineering, while sometimes architecture engineering lay claim to certain aspects of building design. Thus, classifying oneself as a sustainable and renewable energy engineer includes individuals working on materials science, mechanical power, electrical power, chemical processes, energy management and environmental engineering. Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineers are involved in the design, analysis, management and problem solving of a variety of projects that are linked to their community.

The Department of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering (SREE Department) at the University of Sharjah (UoS) currently offers one undergraduate program in sustainable and renewable energy engineering which leads to a Bachelor of Science in sustainable and renewable energy Engineering (BScSREE) degree. The program has become fully accredited by the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA) of the UAE Ministry of Education in 2018.

The SREE Department at the University of Sharjah is proud to have obtained the initial accreditation for a Master of Science in Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering (MScSREE) Program from the Ministry of Education, UAE.

The overall objective of the MScSREE Program is to provide the opportunity for qualified engineers and scientists to advance their knowledge and expand their skills in the energy engineering specialization. The intent is also to prepare students to conduct independent and collaborative research in academic, governmental and industrial contexts. Throughout the process, students will participate in knowledge exchange and improvement, research design and analysis and knowledge/technology transfer. The program is also intended to support the development of a critical mass of researchers, especially applied research, in pertinent fields to UAE and the region.

Program Goals
The goals of the program are to enable students to:
  1. Assume leading roles as academics, researchers and professionals engaged in identifying, formulating and solving current and emerging energy engineering problems;
  2. Advance the scientific body of knowledge in energy engineering through original contributions communicated in scientific and professional publications and forums;
  3. Demonstrate, embrace and foster principles of ethics and professionalism in research and practice and actively engage in community service. Will embrace the principles of professional ethics, energy efficiency, environmental consciousness and sustainability, personal responsibility, and service to the community.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of the program, students will be able to:
  1. Integrate concepts and applications of sustainable and renewable energy engineering in adopting strategic solutions for advanced energy problems.
  2. Formulate new ideas through experimental research, simulation and scholarly activities that contribute to advanced problem solving skills in sustainable and renewable energy engineering.
  3. Apply life-long skills earned in carrying out research, analysis, technical and policymaking in the sustainable energy area.
  4. Communicate complex and diverse topics in sustainable and renewable energy effectively to variety of audiences, such as academics, specialists and professionals.
  5. Design, manufacture and analyze advanced processes, devices and systems, in academic, research, and professional contexts.
  6. Implement comprehensive quality processes related to advanced sustainable and renewable energy concepts with professional teams, peer groups and self.
  7. Evaluate the sustainable energy implementation leading to the reduction of harmful emissions, protecting the environment and other related ethical issues.

The program learning outcomes have been aligned with the level 9 of QFEmirates as follows:

NQF Emirates Strand
Program Learning Outcomes ​
Strand Descriptors
comprehensive, highly specialized knowledge in a field of work, discipline and/or professional practice, and at the interface between different fields, including frontier concepts and recent developments - Integrate concepts and applications of sustainable and renewable energy engineering in adopting strategic solutions for advanced energy problems.

- Formulate new ideas through experimental research, simulation and scholarly activities that contribute to advanced problem solving skills in sustainable and renewable energy engineering.
advanced knowledge of applicable research principles and methods - Formulate new ideas through experimental research, simulation and scholarly activities that contribute to advanced problem solving skills in sustainable and renewable energy engineering.

- Apply life-long skills earned in carrying out research, analysis, technical and policymaking in the sustainable energy area.
critical awareness of knowledge issues, as the basis for original thinking; encompassing appropriate processes of enquiry and current processes of knowledge production - Formulate new ideas through experimental research, simulation and scholarly activities that contribute to advanced problem solving skills in sustainable and renewable energy engineering.

- Apply life-long skills earned in carrying out research, analysis, technical and policymaking in the sustainable energy area.
detailed body of knowledge of recent developments in a field of work, and/or discipline - Integrate concepts and applications of sustainable and renewable energy engineering in adopting strategic solutions for advanced energy problems.

- Formulate new ideas through experimental research, simulation and scholarly activities that contribute to advanced problem solving skills in sustainable and renewable energy engineering.
Skills advanced skills required in research, analysis, evaluation and/ or innovation of complex ideas, information, concepts and/or activities - Apply life-long skills earned in carrying out research, analysis, technical and policymaking in the sustainable energy area.

- Design, manufacture and analyze advanced processes, devices and systems, in academic, research, and professional contexts.
skills to develop new knowledge and procedures and to integrate knowledge from different fields using highly developed cognitive and creative skills and intellectual independence to the field of work or discipline - Integrate concepts and applications of sustainable and renewable energy engineering in adopting strategic solutions for advanced energy problems.

- Formulate new ideas through experimental research, simulation and scholarly activities that contribute to advanced problem solving skills in sustainable and renewable energy engineering.
advanced problem-solving skills to analyse highly complex issues with incomplete data and develop innovative solutions and proposals relevant to an academic/ professional field, field of work or discipline - Formulate new ideas through experimental research, simulation and scholarly activities that contribute to advanced problem solving skills in sustainable and renewable energy engineering.

- Apply life-long skills earned in carrying out research, analysis, technical and policymaking in the sustainable energy area.
planning skills to develop and execute a major project or comparable activities (that includes a significant range of variables and complexity) with appropriately selected research methodologies producing sound conclusions - Formulate new ideas through experimental research, simulation and scholarly activities that contribute to advanced problem solving skills in sustainable and renewable energy engineering.

- Apply life-long skills earned in carrying out research, analysis, technical and policymaking in the sustainable energy area.
highly developed specialist communication and information technology skills to present, explain and/or critique highly complex matters - Communicate complex and diverse topics in sustainable and renewable energy effectively to variety of audiences, such as academics, specialists and professionals.
Autonomy and responsibilityRole in context
can function autonomously and/ or take responsibility for managing professional practices, work, processes or systems, or learning contexts that are highly complex, unpredictable and unfamiliar, and require new strategic approaches and/or intervention or conceptual abstract solutions - Formulate new ideas through experimental research, simulation and scholarly activities that contribute to advanced problem solving skills in sustainable and renewable energy engineering.

- Apply life-long skills earned in carrying out research, analysis, technical and policymaking in the sustainable energy area.
can account for high level governance of processes and systems - Implement comprehensive quality processes related to advanced sustainable and renewable energy concepts with professional teams, peer groups and self.

- Evaluate the sustainable energy implementation leading to the reduction of harmful emissions, protecting the environment and other related ethical issues.
can analyse and reflect on sociocultural norms and relationships and act to build and transform them - Communicate complex and diverse topics in sustainable and renewable energy effectively to variety of audiences, such as academics, specialists and professionals.

- Implement comprehensive quality processes related to advanced sustainable and renewable energy concepts with professional teams, peer groups and self.
can initiate and manage professional activities that may include a highly complex environment - Formulate new ideas through experimental research, simulation and scholarly activities that contribute to advanced problem solving skills in sustainable and renewable energy engineering.

- Communicate complex and diverse topics in sustainable and renewable energy effectively to variety of audiences, such as academics, specialists and professionals.

- Implement comprehensive quality processes related to advanced sustainable and renewable energy concepts with professional teams, peer groups and self.
can take responsibility for leading the strategic performance and development of professional teams and self - Communicate complex and diverse topics in sustainable and renewable energy effectively to variety of audiences, such as academics, specialists and professionals.

- Implement comprehensive quality processes related to advanced sustainable and renewable energy concepts with professional teams, peer groups and self.
Self-development can self-evaluate and take responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practice including unfamiliar learning contexts - Apply life-long skills earned in carrying out research, analysis, technical and policymaking in the sustainable energy area.

- Communicate complex and diverse topics in sustainable and renewable energy effectively to variety of audiences, such as academics, specialists and professionals.
can develop and implement further learning consistently and sensitively - Apply life-long skills earned in carrying out research, analysis, technical and policymaking in the sustainable energy area.

- Implement comprehensive quality processes related to advanced sustainable and renewable energy concepts with professional teams, peer groups and self.
can consistently and sensitively manage highly complex ethical issues leading to informed, fair and valid decisions - Implement comprehensive quality processes related to advanced sustainable and renewable energy concepts with professional teams, peer groups and self.

- Evaluate the sustainable energy implementation leading to the reduction of harmful emissions, protecting the environment and other related ethical issues.

Admission Requirements
  1. In accordance with the university requirements for graduate degrees the MSc Committee grants regular enrollment for applicants to the MSc program who satisfy the following academic qualifications and criteria:
    The applicant must have a Bachelor's degree Engineering (or a closely-related field) from a recognized college or university with an overall Bachelor's grade point average of 3.00 (out of 4.0) or higher.
  2. Students with a CGPA of 2.5 to 2.99 may be admitted conditionally provided that they register maximum (6) credit hours (Master's level) in the first semester of their study and obtain a CPGA of 3 out of 4. If he/she does not meet this requirement, the student is entitled to register only 3 credit hours in the second semester. If the student does not meet these conditions, he/she will be expelled from the program.
  3. The multi-disciplinary nature of this program will require the engagement of several faculty members specialized in a variety of specializations such as Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Chemical Engineering, Architecture Engineering, as well as across disciplines from other specialties such as Applied Physics, Material Engineering Sciences, Chemistry, and Biotechnological Sciences. As such, this will add to the research diversity and research potential of both students and the faculty in the University.
  4. Candidates are required to demonstrate English language proficiency by obtaining: A minimum score of 1400 in EmSAT, or 550 on the Institutional TOEFL (administered at the University of Sharjah) or its equivalent on the iBT or CBT; or 6 on the academic IELTS. Students may be admitted conditionally if they obtain 1250 or higher in EmSAT, 530 or higher on TOEFL. Such a student must meet the following requirements during the period of conditional admission or be subject to dismissal:
    • must achieve an EmSAT score of 1400 or equivalent, by the end of the student's first semester of study;
    • may take a maximum of six credit hours in the first semester of study, not including intensive English courses;
    • must achieve a minimum CGPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or its established equivalent, in the first six credit hours of credit-bearing courses studied for the graduate program;

Degree Completion Requirements
The requirements for graduation from the MSc in SREE Program are:
  1. Passing all courses required for graduation in the study plan.
  2. Accumulating a GPA with a minimum of 3.0 on a 4-point scale.
  3. Completing all the other requirements of the study plan.
  4. Spending the minimum period stipulated for the award of the MSc degree and not exceeding the maximum.

Program Structure
The program requirements for the MSc in SREE Program comprise of 33 credits and are classified into the following categories:
  1. Compulsory Courses
  2. Elective Courses
  3. Thesis

Requirements Credits Hours
Compulsory Courses 12
Elective Courses
MSc Thesis 9
Total 33
Study Plan: Course List

Compulsory Courses
No. Course Code Course Title اسم المساق Credits
1.         0406510 Research Methodology مناهج البحث العلمي 3
2.         0406511 Simulation and Modeling of Energy Systems محاكاة ونمذجة أنظمة الطاقة 3
3.         0406512 Numerical Methods in Energy Technology الطرق العددية في تكنولوجيا الطاقة 3
4.         0406513 Advanced Mathematics رياضيات متقدمة 3
5.         0406534
Thesis رسالة الماجستير 9

Elective Courses
No. Course Code Course Title اسم المساق Credits
1.         0406514 Chemical Thermodynamics of Energy Systems الديناميكا الحرارية الكيميائية لأنظمة الطاقة 3
2.         0406515 Cooling Systems for Buildings نظم التبريد للمباني 3
3.         0406516 Energy and Environment الطاقة والبيئة 3
4.         0406517 Heat Exchanger Design تصميم المبادلات الحرارية 3
5.         0406518 PV Nanostructures and Nanotechnology الهياكل النانوية الكهروضوئية وتكنولوجيا النانو 3
6.         0406519 PV (Optoelectronic) Device Physics and Modeling فيزياء ونمذجة الأجهزة الكهروضوئية 3
7.         0406520 Energy Management and Optimization إدارة وتحسين الطاقة 3
8.         0406521 Sustainable Transportation Technologies تقنيات النقل المستدام 3
9.         0406522 Thermal Devices الأجهزة الحرارية 3
10.     0406523 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer  انتقال الحرارة والمادة المتقدم 3
11.     0406524 Bioenergy الطاقة الحيوية 3
12.     0406525 Integration of Renewable Energy into the Electrical Grid دمج الطاقة المتجددة في الشبكة الكهربائية 3
13.     0406526 Low Energy Buildings مباني منخفضة الطاقة 3
14.     0406527 Desalination with Renewable Energy تحلية المياه بالطاقة المتجددة 3
15.     0406529 Hybrid Energy Systems أنظمة الطاقة الهجينة 3
16.     0406530 Solar Energy Systems for Buildings أنظمة الطاقة الشمسية للمباني 3
17.     0406531 District Heating and Space Cooling Systems أنظمة التبريد والتدفئة المركزية 3

Study Plan: Course Distribution
First Year
Fall Semester Spring Semester
Course #
Course Title
Course # Course Title
Type Cr.Hr
0406510 Research Methodology C
0406512 Numerical Methods in Energy Technology C
0406513 Advanced Mathematics
3 0406511 Simulation and Modeling of Energy Systems C 3
  Elective course 1 E 3  
Elective course 2 E 3
Total ​ ​ 9 Total ​ ​ 9
Second Year
Fall Semester Spring Semester
Course # Course Title
Type Cr.Hr Course # Course Title Type Cr.Hr
  Elective course 3 E 3 0406541 Thesis C 6
  Elective course 4 E 3
0406540 Thesis proposal C 3
Total ​ ​ 9 Total ​ ​ 6
C: Compulsory                   E: Elective

Course Description
Credit Hours​Course Title ​ ​Course Number
1.   Compulsory Courses (12 Credits Hours): ​
​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Research Methodology ​ ​0406510
 This course addresses the fundamentals and advanced aspects in the field of sustainable and renewable energy engineering. It introduces the planning and implementation of research projects for maximum impact in engineering research. It aids graduate students from the identification of an appropriate research topic through to the successful presentation of results. It aims at Improving the research outcomes by presenting essential quantitative and qualitative research methods to carry out high quality, rigorous research, including statistical analysis, survey design, and optimization techniques.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Simulation and Modeling of Energy Systems ​ ​ 0406511
 The course aims at providing the basis for modeling, simulation and optimization of various energy systems. It aims also to provide an introduction to effective modelling methods to asses the dynamic behaviors of systems for energy supply and conversion. It will cover modeling and simulation of energy demand and energy supply sides, model building, classification of models, conservation principles, thermodynamic principles, energy costs calculation and economic uncertainty, techno-economic assessment of energy system, process energy and mass balances, process energy integration, energy modeling and simulation for buildings.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Numerical Methods in Energy Technology ​ ​0406512
 The course covers the application of numerical methods to solve renewable energy engineering-related problems, including the solution of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, numerical integration and differentiation, ordinary and partial differential equations. The course also covers programming using MATLAB software and Excel spreadsheet. The course also addresses numerical solutions of governing equations of fluid dynamics and heat and mass transfer along with the verification and validation of numerical solutions. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Advanced Mathematics ​ ​0406513
 The course covers ODEs, linear algebra and vector space theory, scalar and vector field theory, PDEs, and complex numbers- enough to provide graduate students with a solid background in the mathematics used to solve the problems that arise in engineering and sciences fields.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
2.   Elective Courses (12 Credits Hours):

The student must select one course from each group of the following three groups: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Chemical Thermodynamics of Energy Systems ​ ​ 0406514
 The students will use the principles of the first and second law of thermodynamics in performing energy, entropy, and mass balance for open and closed systems. The students will calculate the energy production efficiency of different cycles as well as calculating the energy and exergy efficiencies of the different energy conversion/storage processes (real examples will considered). The students will design sustainable cycles with low or no environmental impacts.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Cooling Systems for Buildings ​ ​ 0406515
 This course will cover the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems which are ubiquitous in all modern buildings. The thermal comfort and indoor air quality will be discussed. The cooling load, the duct and piping system as well as the strategies for operating the system and their basic means of control will be presented. Also The refrigerant types and their influence on the environment will be discussed.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Energy and Environment ​ ​ 0406516
 This course is intended as a high-level introduction to concepts and tools essential to understanding the basic technical, socio-economic, environmental and policy dimensions of the various types of energy resources, their extraction and conversion technologies and their end uses. It provides students with a broad understanding of the current energy demand and its challenges with respect to the environment. The different technologies that can be used to improve the environmental effects of energy use and ensure adequate energy supply. A case study from Dubai visit 2030 will be presented on Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashed Solar Park and the year 2030: the phases of photovoltaic power plants to provide 25% of total power for Dubai from Clean Energy: Achievements and challenges. Towards a capacity of 5 GW by 2030.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Heat Exchanger Design ​ ​0406517
 The course introduces different types of heat exchangers and the principles of design, manufacture, and use of major types of heat exchangers. It discusses the applications of thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and empirical relations for common heat exchangers including boilers, condensers, evaporators, shell and tube, double pipe, and cross-flow heat exchangers. It also covers various methods and parameters that will be used for the design and performance evaluations such as LMTD method, effectiveness-NTU method, heat load, pressure drop requirements, and optimal operation conditions.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3PV Nanostructures and Nanotechnology ​ ​ 0406518
 Overview of solar cell technologies and device architectures; nanotechnology designs in crystalline solar cells; nanotechnology designs in thin-film solar cells; light management and harvesting; nanostructure/nanomaterial engineering in solar cells; nanostructure modeling/simulation; nanotechnology in cell fabrication techniques.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3PV (Optoelectronic) Device Physics and Modeling ​ ​ 0406519
 Overview of optoelectronic devices; semiconductor and device physics; carrier transport; optical waves and photon generation; optoelectronic modeling approaches; device simulation and modeling; heat generation and dissipation.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Energy Management and Optimization ​ ​ 0406520
 Introduction to energy management and energy optimization, effective energy management, energy auditing, economic analysis, hybrid renewable energy systems, optimization techniques in hybrid renewable energy systems, optimization of storage in hybrid renewable energy systems, power management of hybrid renewable energy systems, also the course will include a comprehensive case studies on energy management and energy optimization.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Sustainable Transportation Technologies ​ ​0406521
 The course presents an overview of the current status of transportation technologies, advanced sustainable transportation technologies on land, in sea and in air. It also details pertinent energy efficiency technologies in conventionally fueled vehicles and electric vehicles. Power resources such as fuel cells, hydrogen and biofuel to power all electric and/or hybrid vehicles are thoroughly discussed. The course also focuses on advanced transportation technologies and their role in CO2 reduction as well as the new policies and economic aspects in sustainable transportation technologies are discussed. As well as presentation of regulations and standards and customer and society satisfaction issues.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Thermal Devices ​ ​0406522
 The course covers modern thermal devices such as heat sinks, thermoelectric generators and coolers, thermos-electrochemical cells, heat pipes, and heat exchangers as design components in larger systems. These devices are becoming increasingly important and fundamental in thermal design across such diverse areas as microelectronic cooling, green or thermal energy conversion, and thermal control and management in space, etc.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer ​ ​0406523
 This course provides a review of heat transfer fundamentals such as transient conduction, and extended surfaces. In the course, there will be introduction of numerical methods to solve advanced problems in heat conduction, two-phase flow correlations, and boiling and condensation convection. Advanced problems in radiation, radiation in enclosures and gas radiation are discussed. Chapters on advanced topics on diffusion and convective mass transfer, mass transfer with phase change or heterogeneous reactions, and combined heat and mass transfer are also covered.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Bioenergy ​ ​0406524
 The Bioenergy Concept, Biomass and Biofuel classification, Biomass conversion processes, Biofuel and sustainability, Biogas and treatment processes, Case study: Anaerobic Digestion, Thermochemical Conversion Technologies, Introduction to Bioenergy, Techno-economic analysis of biorefineries, Environmental Assessment of Bioenergy Systems, Social Analysis of biorefineries, Development of Bioenergy systems: From biofuel upgrading to multiproduct portfolios, Case Study: Biodiesel production from Microalgae, Simulation of Bioenergy Systems.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Integration of Renewable Energy into the Electric Grid ​ ​0406525
 The course introduces the details of renewable energy management; integrating renewables into power grids and electricity markets; introduction to smart grid architecture and operation control; policy and regulations governing grid integration; modeling of variable renewable sources and converters; design of grid-integrated renewable energy systems; renewable forecasting.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Low Energy Buildings ​ ​0406526
 The course provides an overview of the technology and the factors to consider in designing an energy-efficient building and the energy conservation measures for buildings. It also explains the issues affecting the design of new buildings and environmentally friendly measures. It introduces energy efficiency into the design process and discusses the computer modeling involved in energy efficiency designs. It also provides detailed case studies on projects that have successfully implemented energy-efficient building concepts, such as low energy buildings, near-zero energy buildings, and passive houses.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Desalination with Renewable Energy ​ ​0406527
 This course gives an introduction to desalination processes powered by renewable energy sources. It provides the basis for solar desalination and its potential around the world, the principles of wind-powered desalination processes along with their configurations, design, and implementation, the challenges and opportunities of desalination using geothermal energy, and the desalination with nuclear energy. The course also discusses the cost of desalination using renewable energy technologies, integrated planning of energy and water supply in islands, energy storage for desalination, and energy recovery devices in membrane desalination processes. It also analyzes the exergy, thermo-economic, and techno-economic of solar thermal desalination processes.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Hybrid Energy Systems ​ ​0406529
 Overview of stand-alone and hybrid energy systems and energy storage technology; hybrid/integrated energy systems and technologies (wind-diesel, wind-photovoltaic (PV), PV-diesel, wind-hydropower energy systems); applicable energy storage technology, including electro-chemical (battery/fuel cell), flywheel (kinetic) and compressed air energy storage technologies; development, operation and optimization of hybrid energy systems; grid/micro-grid integration and control of hybrid energy systems.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3Solar Energy Systems for Buildings ​ ​0406530
 Integration of solar technologies in buildings. Efficient heating and cooling using solar thermal systems. Active and passive use of solar energy. Heat transfer in building envelopes.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
 3District Heating and Space Cooling

Systems ​ ​
 This course will introduce the district heating and cooling (DHC), distribution of centrally generated heat or cold energy to buildings, usually in the form of space heating, cooling, and hot water. Potential contribution of DHC to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, thermal energy generation for DHC, including fossil fuel-based technologies, those based on renewables, and surplus heat valorization. Methods to improve the efficiency of DHC.

  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
3.   Thesis Course (9 Credits Hours):

The student must complete the following course to fulfill the Master Degree Requirements: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
​ MSc Thesis Proposal 
 Students have to select their research topic with a supervisor from faculty members of the SREE department, prepare a written document, and defend it at a final oral examination before a committee. The proposal should exhibit good potential to grow into an independent research topic by applying an existing body of knowledge in the critical analysis of a new question or of a specific problem or issue in a new setting. Students are expected to submit for publication at least one refereed article before passing the defense. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 15 credit hours. 

  ​ ​ ​ ​
​ MSc Thesis 
 Students have to select their research topic with a supervisor from faculty members of the SREE department, prepare a written document, and defend it at a final oral examination before a committee. The proposal should exhibit good potential to grow into an independent research topic by applying an existing body of knowledge in the critical analysis of a new question or of a specific problem or issue in a new setting. Students are expected to submit for publication at least one refereed article before passing the defense. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 15 credit hours.  ​ ​ ​ ​