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Prof. Abdul Wahab Bin Mohammad
Prof. Mohamed Maalej
Vice Dean
Prof. Khalil Abdelrazek Khalil Abdelmawgoud
Assistant Dean
Prof. Abdul Hai Al-Alami
Chair of Sustainable Renewable Energy Engineering Department
Prof. Amr Mohamed Elnadi
Chair of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department
+971 6 505 3934
Prof. Atidel Aboubaker Ben Hadj-Alouane
Chair of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Department
Prof. Emad S. Mushtaha
Chair of the Architectural Engineering Department
Prof. Ghazi Gaseem Khaleel Al-Khateeb
Chair of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Prof. Syarif Junaidi
Chair of Mechanical And Nuclear Engineering Department
Eng. Assiya Laib
Institutional Effectiveness Officer
Ms. Latifa Mohamed
Academic Support Officer
Eng. Rasha Basil Saffarini
Lab Unit - Head