- Professor Dr. of Islamic History and Civilization at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey, 2017–2018.
- Professor Dr. of Sociology of Law at the Faculty of Law, International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015–2017.
- Special Researcher [Non-Resident] at the Turkish Culture Studies Center, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China, 2015.
- Professor Dr. at the Department of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012-2015.
- Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddin Center of Islamic Studies (SOASCIS), University Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, 2014.
- Visiting Professor at the Prishtina International Summer University 2012 (PISU’12), Prishtina University, Kosovo, 2012.
- Professor Dr. at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, Hasan Kalyoncu University (Formerly known as Gazikent University), Gaziantep, Turkey, 2011–2012.
- Associate Professor Dr. at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, Hasan Kalyoncu University (Formerly known as Gazikent University), Gaziantep, Turkey, 2010–2011.
- Chief Editor/Coordinator (Academics) at MPH Group Publishing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007–2010.
- Associate Professor Dr. at the Department of History and Civilization, Faculty of Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2005–2007.
- Assistant Professor Dr. at the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2003–2005.
- Director, Balkan Studies Center (BSC), International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 2016 – June 2017.
- Member of the Faculty Council at the Faculty of Law, International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015–2017.
- Member the Executive Committee of the Balkan Studies Center (BSC), International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015-2017.
- Coordinator of the International Relations Office (IRO), International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012–2014.
- Founder & Director of the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Education (CIDE), Office of the Rector, Hasan Kalyoncu University (Formerly known as Gazikent University), Gaziantep, Turkey, 2011–2013.
- Vice-President, Dituria Foundation, Gostivar & Skopje, Macedonia, 2005 till the present.
- Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, Hasan Kalyoncu University (Formerly known as Gazikent University), Gaziantep, Turkey, 2011–2012.
- Member of the Senate at Hasan Kalyoncu University (Formerly known as Gazikent University), Gaziantep, Turkey, 2011- 2012.
- Member of the Faculty Council at the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Gaziantep (Formerly known as Gazikent University), Turkey, 2011–2012.
- Academic Member of the Institute of Social Sciences, Hasan Kalyoncu University (Formerly known as Gazikent University), Gaziantep, Turkey, 2011–2012
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016 till the present.
- Member of the Strategic Management Body of the International University of Sarajevo (IUS), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014-2017.
- Permanent Member of the Advisory and the Scientific Committee of “ANEMON, Journal of Social Sciences, Mus Alparslan University.”
- Permanent Member of the Scientific Committee of “International Association of Social Science Research (IASSR),” [www.iassr.org].
- Chairperson of the Organizing Committee for “The International Conference: WW1, the Ottoman Empire and the Balkans,” jointly organized International University of Sarajevo and Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, held between 17-19 September 2014, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Member of the Academic Steering Committee for “The International Silk Road Congress: To Rethink a Region of Commerce, Cooperation and Peace”, organized in collaboration and coordination of the Ankara Center Thought and Research (ACTR) and Istanbul Commerce University, held between 27-29 October, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Working Group Fellow of the 2013 International Summit Conference on Compassionate Organizations held in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, between 16-18 May, 2013.
- Member of the Science & Advisory Board: IIB International Refereed Academic Social Sciences Journal, Istanbul, Turkey, since February 2012.
- Panel Organizer & Chief Coordinator: “Merhamete Doğru Gaziantep’in Rölü” [The Role of Gaziantep towards Compassion], supported by the Gaziantep Municipality, Gazikent Hasan Kalyoncu University (Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Education), and The International Institute for Compassionate Cities (Charter for Compassion), held on 9th March 2012 at Ömer Ersoy Cultural Center, Gaziantep, Turkey.
- Member of the Advisory Board: Middle East Business (The Magazine of Business, Economy and Politics) since January 2012.
- Chief Coordinator of the project International Project Preparation Support, Office of the Rector, Hasan Kalyoncu (Formerly Gazikent) University, funded by Silkroad Development Agency (SDA), Gaziantep, Turkey, July-December 2011.
- Chief Coordinator of “Türk Dış Politikasının Yeni İmkanları ve Kamu Diplomasisi” [New Opportunities in Turkish Foreign Policy and Public Diplomacy], organized between the Department of Public Diplomacy, Office of the Prime Minister of Turkey, and Hasan Kalyoncu (Formerly Gazikent) University, held on 27th October 2011.
- Member of the Advisory Board: The Journal of Balkan Studies/Balkan Araştırmaları Dergisi, since 2011, Bursa, Turkey.
- Member of the Advisory Board: Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, since 2011, Gaziantep, Turkey.
- Academic Coordinator: The First Dituria International Conference with the theme “Contemporary Trends in Philosophical System” organized by Dituria Foundation to be held between 1st-5th July, 2011, in Gostivar, Macedonia.
- Permanent Member of Advisory Board: Dituria, Journal of Scientific Thought, Gostivar, Macedonia.
- Member of the Academic Committee in organizing the International Conference on The Yemeni-Hadramis in Southeast Asia: Identity Maintenance or Assimilation, held between 26-28 August 2005, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia. (Organized by the Department of History & Civilization, Faculty of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, in collaboration with the Embassy of Republic of Yemen).
- Book Chapter: “From the Ummatic Nation to Dynastic Nationhood: The Development of Nationalism in the Early Islamic History,” in Cambridge History of Nationalism and Nationhood, co-ed. by Cathie Carmichael, Matthew D’Auria and Aviel Roshwald, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019).
- Book entitled: Islamic ‘Intelligence Services’ (Istikhbarat) in Context: Language and Legal Analysis. This study critically examines and analyzes the theoretical bases and practical aspect of ‘intelligence services’ called istikhbarat in Islam taking into consideration from an institutional perspective with reference to its language and legal areas derived from the Holy Qur’an, the Sirah of the Prophet, Khulafa al-Rashidun and opinions of the jurists (fuqaha’). This kind of work is going to be the first English handbook in this area, and expected to be completed by 2020.
- Book entitled: Islamic Civilization or Civilization of Islam: Conceptual and Contextual Reexamination. This study critically examines and analyzes the theoretical and practical aspect of “Islam” and/or “Civilization”, where it offers a new and an original approach to this field of studies. It aims to “correct” some misconceptions, misunderstandings and misinterpretations of Islam as a civilization.
- Book entitled: A History of Ijazah Tradition in the Muslim World: From Mindanao to Morocco. A comprehensive study of this tradition with special reference to the ijāzahs found and collected from different parts of the Muslim world. The study analyzes the origin of this tradition, its development, its significances and its general influences.
- Co-Authored with Meri Ugrinovska, The Middle Eastern Jewellery: Reflection of Islam on the Forms and Symbols, (Istanbul: Libra Publishing, 2018).
- Late Ottoman Educational System in the Balkans in the Light of the Ijazahs, (Istanbul: Libra Publishing, 2017).
- With Osman Bakar (Eds.), Islam in Southeast Europe: Past Reflections and Future Prospects, (Bandar Seri Begawan: UBD Press, 2014).
- Co-Authors: Mansor Ibrahim; Shireen Jahnkassim; Mesut Idriz; et al.: Architecture as a Reflection of Social Structure: A Reminiscence of the Suleymaniye Complex of Istanbul, (Kuala Lumpur: IIUM Press, 2010).
- The Balkan City of Ottoman Manastir (Bitola): A Model Paradigm for the Applied Shari‘ah with Reference to Ottoman Judicial Records, (Kuala Lumpur: Pelanduk, 2010).
- Një Ixhāze i shekullit XIX i lëshuar në Ballkan: Ixhāze origjinal i Idris Fehmi ibn Salihut dhe përkthimi i tij me shënime [A 19th Century Ijāzah Issued in the Balkans: Idrīs Fahmī b. Sālih’s Original Ijāzah and Its Annotated Albanian Translation], (Skopje / Shkup: Logos-A, 2009).
- The Ijāzah of ‛Abdullah Fāhim: A Unique Document from Islamic Education, co-authored with Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas, (Kuala Lumpur: MPH Publishing, 2007).
- “Applied Ethics in Ottoman Legal System in the Multi-Religious Balkans: A Case Study of Bitola (Macedonia) with Reference to the Sijillāt al-Shar῾iyyah,” IIUM Law Journal, vol. 24 (1), 2016. [Refereed]
- “Towards the Balkan Encyclopedia of Islam”, Journal of Balkan Studies/Balkan Arastirmalar Dergisi, Year 2, Vol. 2, 2012. [Refereed]
- “Ahmad Yasawī as a Leading Early Central Asian Sūfī: Re-examination of His Perceptions on Tarīqah (Order)”, AFKAR Journal of ‘Aqidah and Islamic Thought, Academy of Islamic Studies, University Malaya, No. 9, March 2008, pp. 39-49. [Refereed]
- “From a Local Tradition to a Universal Practice: Ijāzah as a Unique Muslim Educational Tradition with Special Reference to a 19th Century Idrīs Fahmī b. Sālih’s Ijāzah Issued in the Balkans”, Asian Journal of Social Science (AJSS), National University of Singapore, vol. 35, no. 1, 2007. [Refereed]
- “Waqf Property and its Administration in the Ottoman Empire: A Case of Manastir”, Hikmet (Macedonian International Journal with special focus on Islamic Thought and Civilization, the languages of journal are English and Turkish), Vol. 6, December 2005 (2), pp. 19-27. [Refereed]
- “Conversion and Assimilation of Dhimmīs (Non-Muslims) in the Ottoman Empire: A Case of Manastir with Special Reference to the 18th Century Judicial Records”, Al-Shajarah, Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), December 2003, pp. 167-190. [Refereed]
- “The Ijāzah Tradition in the 19th – 20th Century Balkans”, Al-Shajarah, Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, vol.: 5, No. 2 (2000), pp. 221-284. [Refereed]
Chapter(s) in Books:
- Chapter (Co-authored with Joseph J. Kaminski): “Can the Shari‘ah be Compatible with Global Governance? Islamic Financial Institutions as a Laboratory for Conceptual Analysis,” in Muslim Perspectives to Global Governance, ed. by Leslie A. Pal and M. Evren Tok, (New York: Palgrave, 2019).
- Chapter: “Islamic Religious Education in Bosnia,” in Aufbruch zu neunen Ufern: Aufgaben, Problemlagen und Profile einer Islamischen Religionspadagogik im Europaischen Kontext, Edited by Yasar Sarikaya and Franz-Josef Baumer, (Giessen: Waxmann, 2017).
- Chapter (Arabic): “Al-Wad’ al-Hali lil-Dirasat al-Islamiyyah fi Mu’assasat al-Ta’lim al-‘Ali fi al-Balqan [Current Conditions of Islamic Studies in the Higher Educational Institutions in the Balkans],” in Al-Dirasat al-Islamiyyah Amama Tahaddi al-Tanawwu’ fi al-‘Alam al-Mu’asir [Islamic Studies in the Contemporary World: A Cross Cultural Challenge] Edited by Nayla Tabbara, (Beirut: Dar al Farabi/Institute of Citizenship and Diversity Management, 2016).
- Chapter: “Rethinking the Region of Peace, Collaboration and Trade between the East and the West: Via Egnatia as a Connectum between the Silkroad and South-Southeast Europe a Historical Socio-Economic Survey,” in ReSilkroad, ed. by Mehmet Bulut, (Istanbul: Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Press, 2014).
- Chapter: “Jihād vis-à-vis War: A Historical and Conceptual Analysis,” in Prof. Dr. Mehmet İpşirli Armağanı [Essays in Honor of Prof. Dr. Mehmet İpşirli], Ed. By Feridun M. Emecen, Ali Ahmetbeyoğlu, and İshak Keskin, (Istanbul: Timas Yayinlari, 2013).
- Chapter: “An Evaluation of Current State of Islamic Manuscripts in Macedonia and Future Prospects”, in Past, Present & Future of Turkish-Albanian-Macedonian Relations, eds. Mehmet Bulut & Mesut Idriz, (Ankara: ADAM Publications, 2012), pp. 1-17.
- Chapter: “Between the Muslim World and Europe? A Brief Note on the Balkan Muslims”, in The Islamic World and the West: Managing Religious and Cultural Identities in the Age of Globalization, Freiburger Sozialanthropologische Studien, Band 24, Ed. By Christoph Marcinkowski, (Münster, Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna, London and Zurich: LIT Verlag and Kuala Lumpur: Asia-Europe Institute in the University of Malaya, 2009), pp. 127-134.
- Reviewer Board Member of the Book, World of Islamic Economic Forum and Universiti Teknologi Mara Occasional Papers on Waqf, (Kuala Lumpur: WIFE-UiTM Co-Publishers, 2015). [https://issuu.com/wief/docs/wief-uitm_occasional_papers_86d38062617aa5]
- Spotlight Editor for the Balkans & the Ottoman History, Oxford Islamic Studies Online (OISO), [www.oxfordislamicstudies.com], 2012.
- Guest-Editor for a Special Issue of the ADAM Academy, Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3, Year 2, 2012, entitled: “The Balkans: Past, Present and Future Prospects”, Ankara Düşünce ve Araştırma Merkezi (ADAM), Ankara, Turkey.
- Editor & Supervisor, Arabic Translation of Chamil Wariya’s book entitled Najib Razak: The Prime Minister of Malaysia, (Kuala Lumpur: MPH Group Publishing, 2009).
- Guest-Editor for a Special Issue of the Asian Journal of Social Sciences (AJSS) entitled: “Islamic-Euroasian Paradoxes”, vol. 35, no. 1 (2007), Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Translated together with Syed Ali Tawfik al-Attas the book authored by Dr. ‛Alī Akbar Velayati titled: Mawsū‛ah al-Islām wa Irān (The Encyclopedia of Islam and Iran), vols. 1-4, Beirut, Dār Al-Hādī, 2006. (Approx. 1950 pages). First and Second volumes completed and published by MPH Group Publishing, Kuala Lumpur, 2008 and 2010 respectively.
- Supervisor of an M.A. Thesis: Dibran Vataj, Arnavutların İstiklal Sürecinde Avusturya-Macaristan İmparatorluğu [in Turkish Language] (The Austro-Hungarian Empire during the Process of Independence of Albanian Communities), an M.A. thesis submitted to the Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Sakarya University, 2018.
- Examiner for a PhD Dissertation: Ahmed Abdelbagi Hamad Ahmed, "Muslim Bureaucracy: An Annotated Translation and Comments on Mamluk Administrative Institutions in Egypt as Portrayed in Subh al-A'sha fi Sina'at al-Insha' of Abu al-Abbas al-Qalqashandi," a PhD Dissertation submitted to the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), 2017.
- Co-Supervisor for an M.A. Thesis: Majdi Rajab, “The Previous Regimes and the Democratization in the Arab World: A Case of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen”, an M.A. thesis submitted to the Department of International Relations and Public Administration, International University of Sarajevo (IUS), 2016.
- Examiner for an M.A. Thesis: Hamza Preljevic, "In Search of Security: The Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)," an M.A. thesis submitted to the Department of International and Public Relations, International University of Sarajevo (IUS), 2016.
- Examiner for an M.A. Thesis: Nurullah Karaca, "Travel Writing and Politics of Race and Culture: Arthur J. Evans’ Journey through Bosnia in 1875," an M.A. thesis submitted to the Department of Social and Political Sciences, International University of Sarajevo (IUS), 2016.
- Examiner for an M.A. Thesis: Elif Selin Muhasilovic, "Turkish Cultural Relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A case Study Based on The Yunus Emre Institute," an M.A. thesis submitted to the Department of Cultural Studies, International University of Sarajevo (IUS), 2016.
- Supervisor for a Ph.D. Candidate: Ilhana Dizdar, “Annotated and Analytical English Translation of Muslihuddin al-Kninawi’s Tuhfah al-Mu’allimin wa Hadiyyah al-Muta’allimin”, a Ph.D. Dissertation to be submitted to the Department of Social and Political Sciences, International University of Sarajevo (IUS), TBD.
- Supervisor for a Ph.D. Candidate: Ahmed Kulanic, “Religion and Politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Does Faith Matter?”, a Ph.D. Dissertation to be submitted to the Department of Social and Political Sciences, International University of Sarajevo (IUS), TBD.
- Mentor for a Ph.D. Candidate: Lejla Ramic-Mesihovic, “The State of Albanian Ethnic Conscience in the Context of Stability of the Southern Balkans”, a Ph.D. Dissertation submitted to the Department of International Relations, International University of Sarajevo (IUS), 2018.
- Supervisor of an M.A. Thesis: Özkan Ünal, Inter-ethnic Relations in the Post-War Mostar: A Socio-political Survey, an M.A. thesis submitted to the Department of Social and Political Sciences, International University of Sarajevo (IUS), 2015.
- Examiner for a Ph.D. Candidate: Serkan Demirbas, “Mahmud II and Ottoman Diplomacy 1832-1839”, a Ph.D. Dissertation submitted to the Department of History, University of East Anglia (UEA), 2015.
- Examiner for an M.A. Thesis: Edris Mekonnen, "Secular State and Religion: The Case of Ethiopia (2011-2015)", an M.A. thesis submitted to the Department of International Relations, International University of Sarajevo (IUS), 2015.
- Supervisor of an M.A. Thesis: Mak Muranovic, Yugonostalgia from Bosniak Perspective, an M.A. thesis submitted to the Department of International Relations, International University of Sarajevo (IUS), 2014.
- Examiner for an M.A. Thesis: Orhan Elhan, 1923-1938 Atatürk Dönemi Balkan Politikası [The Balkan Policy during the Atatürk Era (1923-1938)], an M.A. thesis submitted to the Department of History, Institute of Social Sciences, Gaziantep University (GU), 2012.
- Examiner for an M.A. Thesis: Murat Eryetgin, “149/1 Numarali Ayintap Şer’iyye Sicili’nin Transkripsiyonu ve Değerlendirmesi (H. 1294-1295/M. 1877-1878, S. 1-150) [Transcription and Evaluation of the Ayintep Shari’ah Court Record with Reference to Record Book Number 149/1 Dated A.H. 1294-1295/C.E. 1877-1878], an M.A. thesis submitted to the Department of History, Institute of Social Sciences, Gaziantep University, 2011.
- Co-Supervisor of a Ph.D. Candidate: Abdullah Kazimoski, “Muslim Minorities in Macedonia: Problems and Changing Patterns of Inter-Communal Relations in the Balkans”, a Ph.D. Dissertation submitted to the International Institute of Islamic Thought & Civilization (ISTAC), International Islamic University Malaysia, 2006.
- Examiner for a Ph.D. Candidate: Suleiman Mohammed Hussein, “The Role of Morality (Akhlāq) in the Rise and Decline of Civilizations: Aspects of Muslim Interpretation of the Decline of Roman Civilization”, a Ph.D. Dissertation submitted to the International Institute of Islamic Thought & Civilization (ISTAC), International Islamic University Malaysia, 2005.
- The Balkan Encyclopedia of Islam (BEI): An encyclopedia of 6-8 volumes that will be the main gateway for research on the intellectual tradition of any given culture and geographical area of the Balkans. Projected to be the main reference for making policies, developing curriculum, having global communications, searching out clues for foreign policies and nation building. It aims to be the primary authority over other sources of reference and the port of entry, so to speak, for exploring and identifying other worlds. “The Balkan Encyclopedia of Islam” (BEI) will bridge the Balkan cultures and traditions, and be a tool for further research and identification. The right of this patented project is protected as an article namely “Towards the Balkan Encyclopedia of Islam”, published in Journal of Balkan Studies/Balkan Arastirmalar Dergisi, Year 2, Vol. 2, 2012. [Refereed]