MissionThe program seeks to qualify tourist guidance graduates by providing educational resources to advance the relevant knowledge and skills of students in order to graduate competent professional tour guides.
ObjectivesThe Department of History and Islamic Civilization Programs, Tourism Guidance Program aims to:
- Graduate Arabic speaking tourist guides capable of reflecting a genuine image of the region's history, customs and traditions.
- Meet the needs of the labour market in this area from the local people.
- Develop students' historical and cultural knowledge that is sufficient to enhance their sense of their own identity.
- Provide extensive training for the student in the field of tourism guidance to be able to reflect a genuine image of the Arab Muslim community.
- Prepare and qualify leaders in the fields of tourism and hospitality.
Learning OutcomesProgram Educational Outcomes
Graduates will be able to: |
1. Recognize the historical and cultural knowledge necessary for the tourist guide profession. |
2. Abide the ethics of the profession, the community customs and traditions in the field of tourism guidance and tourist groups' leading. |
3. Successfully use the cognitive skills in tourism guidance in the work environment. |
4. Apply critical thinking skills to innovatively solve problems facing the profession. |
5. Define the most prominent archaeological, tourist and heritage attractions in the UAE and the Arab Gulf region. |
6. Practice effective marketing and communication skills in the field of tourism. |
7. Realize the significance of teamwork and self-development in the tourism guidance profession. |
Career OpportunitiesThe program is one of the most promising programs because more than 560 students are already enrolled in it until the end of the academic year 2020-2021, in the four campuses of the University of Sharjah; the main campus, Al Dhaid Campus, Kalba Campus and Khor Fakkan Campus. Work opportunities available for graduates are varied, ranging from working in tourism departments, youth empowerment organizations, family and childhood centres, hotels and resorts, travel and tourism companies, tourism associations and organizations, tourism and hospitality clubs, airports and transport companies, youth homes, youth clubs, universities, research centers and observatories, exhibitions and festivals, leading diplomatic and cultural missions at Directorates of Culture and Media.
Program Requirements
| Compulsory
| Major | Free Requirements | Total |
University Requirements | 12 | 12 | - | 24 |
College Requirements | 15 | - | - | 15 |
Department Requirements | 33 | 6 | - | 42 |
Major Requirements | 33 | 6 | 6 | 42 |
Total | 93 | 24 | 6 | 123 |
Requirements of the History and Islamic Civilization Program/Tourist Guide Track:
To obtain a bachelor's degree/tourist guide track, a student must pass 84 credit hours divided into five groups as detailed below:
A: Compulsory Requirements:
This group includes 33 credit hours as shown in the table below.
Course Number
| Course Name
| Credit Hours
| Prerequisite
0203110 | Methods of Historical Research | 3 | NA |
0203120 | Pre-Islamic His . of the Arabs | 3 | NA |
0203129 | The Beginnings of Is lam | 3 | 0203120 |
0203323 | Ayyubids and Mamluks | 3 | 0203321 |
0203221 | History of the Umayyad State | 3 | 0203129 |
0203242 | Aspect of the Modern Gulf Hist | 3 | NA |
0203321 | His . of Abb. until 4th Cen. H | 3 | 0203221 |
0203330 | Islamic Civilization(2) | 3 | NA |
0203442 | Mod. and Cont. Arab Hist. | 3 | 0203120 |
0203443 | Mod. & Contemp. Euro. History | 3 | NA |
0203341 | The Ottoman Empire | 3 | NA |
B: Elective Requirements:
Elective courses (6) credit hours, which include the following subjects:
Course Number
| Course Name
| Credit Hours
| Prerequisite
0203111 | Ancient Arab Civilization | 3 | NA |
0203112 | Mesopot. & Nile Valley Civil . | 3 | NA |
0203241 | European Medieval History | 3 | NA |
0203344 | Islamic World Today | 3 | 0203120 |
0203345 | Mod. & Cont. His . of Far Ea. | 3 | NA |
0203346 | American History | 3 | NA |
0203440 | His. of Arab. Gul f 1820-1970AD | 3 | NA |
0203319 | Maghrib and Andalus Hist | 3 | NA |
C: Tourist Guide Requirements
Compulsory Courses (33 credit hours):
Course Number
| Course Name
| Credit Hours
| Prerequisite
0203150 | Introduction to Tourism | 3 | NA |
0203351 | Tourism Geography | 3 | 0203150 |
0203256 | English for Tourism 1 | 3
| 0202113 |
0203347 | English for Tourism 2 | 3 | 0203256 |
0203463 | Tourism Guidance | 3 | 0203150 |
0203355 | Hospitality Industry | 3 | 0203150 |
0203324 | Monuments of the UAE | 3 | 0203150 |
0203467 | Art of Museums | 3 | NA |
0203459 | Tourism Marketing | 3 | 0203150 |
0203465 | Tourism & Cultural Heritage | 3 | 0203150 |
0203462 | Field Training | 3 | It is allowed to register the course after completing 72 credit hours and it is implemented in the summer semester, provided that the student interrupts 120 hours of work during the training period
D: Elective Courses: The student chooses (6 credit hours) from the following courses:
Course Number
| Course Name
| Credit Hours
| Prerequisite
0203461 | Tourist and Guest Behavior | 3 | NA |
0203464 | Tourism Authorities and Org. | 3 | NA |
0203352 | Tourism Products Management | 3 | NA |
0203369 | Tourism Economies | 3 | NA |
0203155 | Tourism in UAE | 3 | NA |
0203433 | E-Tourism | 3 | 0203256 |
0203425 | Events Management | 3 | NA |
0203468 | Tourism Legislations | 3 | NA |
E: Free tourist guidance requirements: It is (6 hours) to choose from the courses offered in the various faculties of the university
Course Description
Introduction to Tourism | 0203150 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
The course focuses on introducing the student to the basic concepts and terms in the science of tourism and presents the history and development of tourism, the course also deals with the most important elements and components of tourist attractions, as well as a statement of the importance of tourism and travel motives, and a statement of the importance of the economic effects of tourism, and a focus on the statement of the importance of distinguishing between domestic and international tourism and the capabilities of the state in entering the international market, and introducing the student to the importance of human resources in the tourism industry as one of the basic requirements for the establishment of the tourism industry, and reviewing the experience of the UAE in the tourism industry. |
Tourism Geography | 0203351 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203150 | 3 |
Through this course, the student learns about the mutual relationship between tourism and various geographical sciences and the mutual influence between tourism activity and the natural and human environment, as well as the geographical characteristics of the Arabian Gulf region and how to exploit them in tourism activity with a focus on the United Arab Emirates. |
English for Tourism 1 | 0203256 | 3 |
| 0202113 | 3 |
This course introduces the basic topics in tourism and hospitality industry in English. It introduces the professional concepts and terminologies relating to tourism, hospitality, booking holidays, motives of travel, transport and, hospitality management. The module will help students to be familiar with the professional terminologies in tourism and hospitality industry and related industries besides its benefits and great support to graduates who will work in tourism guidance career in the future. |
English for Tourism 2 | 0203347 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203256 | 3 |
This course introduces advanced topics in tourism and hospitality management in English. It presents the professional terminologies relating to tourism organizations, tourism marketing, and hospitality management. It also introduces the concepts of international tourism and its global markets. The module will help students to be familiar with world tourism markets, tourism marketing concepts, relevant tourism organizations, and hospitality personnel roles besides its benefits to graduates working in global tourism guidance profession in the future. |
Tourism Guidance | 0203463 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203150 | 3 |
Through this course, the student is introduced to the concepts and definitions of the profession of tour guide. This course helps the student to acquire the knowledge and skills that qualify him to lead tourist groups. It is preferable to support the teaching of this course with field visits to the museum and archaeological and heritage sites, and the course also details the most important conditions and controls that must be met by those who wish to work in the profession of tourist guide and the most important conditions necessary for a successful tourist tour. |
Hospitality Industry | 0203355 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203150 | 3 |
The course introduces the concept of hospitality and the historical development of the hospitality industry, and introduces the student to the types of hospitality establishments, hotel departments and restaurants, as well as the hotel management systems and legislation governing hospitality establishments in the United Arab Emirates. The course also deals with modern technologies used in hospitality, marketing methods for hotel establishments, tourist buying behaviors for hotel services, in addition to the challenges facing the hospitality industry. |
Monuments of the UAE | 0203324 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203150 | 3 |
The course aims to teach an introduction to archeology, its origin, development and its relationship with other sciences, and how to detect archaeological sites by various means used in the UAE, the course also deals with field survey methods and excavation of antiquities in the UAE theoretically, including the stages of pre-excavation and excavation, as well as focusing on archaeological missions that visited the country, and the country's experience in recording, documenting and classifying all archaeological discoveries in countries, and studying them in depth, whether they are finds or buildings of mosques or churches And work to publish them within the list of tourist sites to attract visitors, and finally review the most important archaeological sites in the country and link them to the time periods. |
Art of Museums | 0203467 | 3 |
| NA | |
This course introduces the history of museum development, museum types and classifications. It also addresses the specifications that must be available in the museum's site and architectural design, explains the different methods of display, presents it to the museum administration and the various sections of the museum, and identifies the different sources of museum holdings and the means of recording and documenting them. |
Tourism Marketing | 0203459 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203150 | 3 |
This course prepares students to face the marketing challenges facing the tourism and hospitality industry, and gives them the knowledge and skills they need to develop and implement a strategic marketing plan for tourism and hospitality companies, and to indicate the elements of the tourism marketing mix, and introduce the student to the behavior of tourists according to the different types of tourism purposes for tourists and other important topics in the field of marketing. |
Tourism & Cultural Heritage | 0203465 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203150 | 3 |
This course focuses on reviewing the tourism heritage with its various physical, natural and moral elements, and deals with the importance and how to protect and preserve heritage, and the role of heritage in promoting national identity and attracting tourists. The course presents many historical, heritage and tourism assets in the various emirates of the country, the efforts made by governmental and popular organizations to preserve them, as well as the heritage protection legislation in the country. The course also details the different elements that make up the heritage and civilization of the UAE people as well as international models of heritage. |
Field Training | 0203462 | 3 |
Prerequisite | The student passes 72 hours of study, and the student travels 120 training hours | |
Practical training is an essential pillar of the History and Tourism Guidance Program, because it provides the opportunity for students to blend into the labor market during theoretical academic study, and enables the student to acquire many practical skills at the hands of specialists in the field of tourism work, and teaches them many important work values such as time commitment, responsibility and teamwork. Field training is conducted under the supervision of an academic supervisor and a field supervisor and each evaluates the student. |
Tourist and Guest Behavior | 0203461 | 3
Prerequisite | NA | |
The subject of the behavior of the tourist and the guest is one of the most important materials in the tourism industry, because it examines the behaviors of tourists, how they choose the tourist destination, the motives behind the purchase process in the tourism industry, starting from thinking about making a tourism trip and the various influences that affect the decision of the tourist / guest to choose a tourist destination without others, so this article examines the purchase decisions for tourism services, the stages of the purchase process and the factors affecting them, whether internal or external factors. |
Tourism Authorities and Org | 0203464 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
The course deals with the emergence and development of international, local and regional organizations and their importance in organizing the work of the tourism sector, where the course presents the most important international and regional organizations and bodies involved in tourism work with a focus on and analysis of the role played by these organizations to legalize tourism work and preserve the rights of the tourist and the rights of the host country at the same time, then the course deals with the analysis of the various bodies and organizations responsible for regulating the tourism sector in the United Arab Emirates and explaining their important role in organizing and activating the tourism movement within State. |
Tourism Products Management | 0203352 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
This course aims to explain the difference between tourism products, as well as to review the life cycle of tourism products and brand applications on tourist destinations, and to emphasize the importance of measuring the quality of tourism services from the point of view of the tourist, and to show how pricing affects the choice of tourist destination according to the stages of purchasing decision making related to choosing the tourist destination, and to show the importance of dividing the tourism market according to the classifications of tourism products, as well as reviewing ways and methods of innovating new tourism products. |
Tourism in UAE | 0203155 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
This course deals with tourism in the United Arab Emirates from all aspects, whether related to the importance of tourism as a sector that leads the development in the country, as well as clarifying the historical development of tourism in the country, and this sector will also address a detailed review of the elements of natural and human tourism in the country, as well as the characteristics of international tourism coming to the country and focus as well as on Arab tourism (inter-tourism), and a review of the economic importance of this sector and a statement of the components of the sector that constitute infrastructure and superstructure. for the sector. |
E-Tourism | 0203433 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203256 | 3 |
This course introduces the principles of E-Tourism and its applications in tourism industry and tourism guidance. The course highlights the basic components of E-tourism: E-Marketing and E-commerce. It looks at the different aspects of e-booking and the electronic tools employed in marketing tourism destinations and businesses. Furthermore, it depicts the crucial considerations of designing websites for marketing tourism businesses and how to use web 2.00 technologies for promotion purposes. In addition, the applications of technologies in airline industry will be presented. Last, barriers that facing technology adoption in tourism will be addressed. |
Events Management | 0203425 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
The course deals with the management of tourism events and events, including conferences and exhibitions, and the various related equipment and preparatory and administrative processes. The course deals with a review of conference and exhibition tourism and then moves to the stages of planning events and tourist events in addition to the sources of funding and various equipment of human and technological resources and means of marketing to the means of securing them and the safety of their visitors. |
Tourism Economies | 0203369 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
This course deals with many topics related to the tourism sector and related to the economic aspect, as the student will be familiar with the economic aspect of tourism to enhance the image of the sector and its importance in the GDP of the country and its developmental role in advancing development in the country, where the focus will be on the statement of tourism supply and demand, and the distinction between macro and microeconomics, as well as addressing the position of economic feasibility of tourism at the international and local tourism levels, the impact of tourism on the development of local communities, the competitiveness of tourist destinations According to local and international indicators, and finally the tourism balance according to the comparison between exports and imports in tourism. |
Tourism Legislations | 0203468 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
Through the course, the student is introduced to the basic principles and concepts of law and its various branches, and the official sources of the legal base in the United Arab Emirates, and the course then focuses on reviewing the tourism laws in the United Arab Emirates, both federal and local, and ends with the details of many legal models regulating the tourist guide profession at the local, regional and international levels, with the aim of extracting the most important conditions and qualifications that must be met by those who wish to practice the profession of tourist guide |
Methods of Historical Research | 0203110 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
The course defines the meaning of history and the importance of studying it, and the most important terms of historical research, as well as historical writing among Arabs and Muslims through research in the most famous Islamic historical schools (characteristics - their most important pioneers), as well as historical writing in ancient civilizations, and the development of historical writing in the West (with a focus on the modern era), and the course shows the qualities that must be available in the historian, and scientific research methods in historical studies, with a focus on (historical method), and the course also determines the different general rules followed when choosing a topic Research, and how to prepare the research plan, and tracks all methodological stages in the research, starting from collecting the necessary scientific material through subjecting it to various criticism processes and ending with its final formulation, focusing on training students practically on those steps. |
Pre-Islamic His . of the Arabs | 0203120 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
Introducing the location and nature of the Arabian Peninsula, its impact on the population, introducing the Semites and the origin of their homeland, the emergence of Arabs and their divisions, the tribal system, the economic, social, political, intellectual and doctrinal conditions and political entities that emerged in the Arabian Peninsula. |
The Beginnings of Islam | 0203129 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203120 | 3 |
The course deals with an analysis of the most important sources and references related to the history of the era of the mission and the era of the Rightly-Guided Caliphate, as well as an overview of the conditions of the world before the Prophet's mission, the lineage of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his life before the mission, the revelation of revelation, the Meccan period, (its characteristics - achievements), migration to Medina and the establishment of the state, invasions and Saraya, an analytical view of the achievements made in Medina, the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The course also aims to study the situation of Muslims at the death of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, the meeting of the ship and its consequences, the establishment of the Rightly-Guided Caliphate, the study of the characteristics of the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs, may God be pleased with them, their actions and methods of succession, the conditions of the Islamic state during their reign, the wars of apostasy: their causes and consequences, then the Islamic conquests that took place during their reign, the great sedition, the killing of Othman, may God be pleased with him, the pledge of allegiance to Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, the dispute, the wars of the camel and two rows, the emergence of the Kharijites, the end of the Rashidun era. |
History of the Umayyad State | 0203221 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203129 | 3 |
The course is taught to focus on the factors that led to the transition of power from the Rashidun to the Umayyads, the caliphs of the Sufyani branch of the Umayyad house, the successors of the Marwani branch of the Umayyad house, the Islamic conquests in the Umayyad period, the opposition parties in the Umayyad period (Shiites, Kharijites, ...) The most important revolutions that lived in the Umayyad era, Arab relations, Byzantine in the Umayyad period, civilizational achievements in the Umayyad period, the reasons for the fall of the Umayyad dynasty. |
Aspect of the Modern Gul f Hist | 0203242 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
This course seeks to identify the historical, geographical, geopolitical, cultural, social and economic reality of the Arabian Gulf region through the ages until the emergence of the current political entities, based on the strategic, economic and security importance of the Strait of Hormuz, especially after the discovery of oil, and in this context it will address the beginning of the history of British hegemony over the Arabian Gulf and Western competition over the region, and the emergence of political entities in the modern Arabian Gulf, as well as the political and security situation and societal and cultural transformations in the Gulf region. The Arab after World War II. The course will also address various political, economic and social issues related to the features of the Arabian Gulf region experienced by the Arab Gulf countries (border problems, unitary projects (the United Arab Emirates as a model), economic blocs in the region (the Gulf Cooperation Council as a model), the discovery of oil in the Gulf region and its economic effects, the international conflict over the region's oil, the future prospects for energy in the Arabian Gulf, the development of the issue of the UAE islands and the position of the Gulf countries and the UAE in addressing the issue. |
His . of Abb. until 4th Cen. H | 0203321 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203221 | 3 |
This course deals with the history of the Abbasid state since its establishment in 132 AH until the beginning of the fourth century AH, and aims to enrich the student's knowledge experiences about the Islamic world in the Abbasid era until the end of the era of the princes and the establishment of the Buyid emirate, through the study of the Abbasid call, in the secret and public stages and the role of the Arabs and Persians in its success and the transition of the caliphate to the Abbasids, and the establishment of the state and the political and economic developments of the Abbasid era, as well as the study of political, administrative, economic and social systems and institutions, and the study of the most important currents Intellectual and doctrinal in the Abbasid era until the fourth century AH, in addition to studying the relationship between the Abbasids and other contemporary forces such as the Byzantines, and the Umayyads in Andalusia. |
Islamic Civilization (2) | 0203330 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
The course includes a focus on introducing the civilizational gains achieved by Islamic civilization throughout history while highlighting the philosophy of creativity in the production of knowledge, in addition to reviewing the various productive stations of Islamic civilization from different sciences and knowledge, architecture and cities and the extent of their impact on the Western world. Especially the political issue, urbanization and administrative development. |
Ayyubids and Mamluks | 0203323 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203321 | 3 |
The course deals with the beginning of the weak phase of the Abbasid Caliphate, the domination of the Buyids and the Seljuks, the factors of the fall of the Fatimid state, the entry of the Islamic world into the Crusades and their effects on the Islamic Front and the struggle over Jerusalem, and the role of Saladin in the unification of the Islamic Front and the Battle of Hattin. It also deals with the history of the Ayyubid state in the Levant and the Mamluks in Egypt, politics, administration, culture and urbanization. The intellectual and social conditions in the Ayyubid period, Egypt at the time of the Ayyubids, and the fall of the Ayyubids, in addition to that, also deals with the Mamluk state: the emergence (from prosperity to collapse). And the transfer of the Islamic Caliphate from Baghdad to Cairo, focusing on the history of Egypt at the time of the Mamluks: (social, political and urban achievements. and the jihad of the Mamluks against the Mongols and the Crusaders, and civilizational achievements in the Ayyubid era). Finally, it deals with the end of the Mamluks. and the transfer of rule to the Ottomans. |
Mod. and Cont. Arab Hist. | 0203442 | 3 |
| 0203120 | 3 |
This course deals with the beginning of the history of the Arabs from the fall of Baghdad at the hands of the Mongols until the fall of Cairo at the hands of the Ottomans in 1517 AD, and the conditions of the Arab region on the eve of the arrival of the Ottomans to it and shows how they were subjected to its countries, then traces according to a consistent historical sequence the conditions of those countries under Ottoman rule during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and reviews the various European influences on the course of events in the region, trade competition and European colonial conflict on the Arab region until the middle of the nineteenth century, as well as examining The most prominent emergence in the region of semi-autonomous entities in the region during the eighteenth century as well as the emergence of calls for reform during the 18th and 19th centuries, traces the beginnings of Arab nationalist sentiment, and the roots of the Arab nationalist idea, in addition to that will address the relationship of Arab nationalists with Astana. Among the historical issues that this course will address are the reality of the Arabs under European colonial domination during the 19-20 centuries, the development of the reformist current (intellectually and politically) in the Arab world during the modern period, as well as reviewing the position of the Arabs on the First World War. And the Arab Revolt in 1916. Then the conditions of the Arab region between the two world wars (1919-1939), and the emergence of independence movements, and this course will also address the most important issue in the history of the modern Arabs, which is the Palestinian issue, so that it will address its roots, and developments from the late nineteenth century to after World War II and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Arab unity projects and the establishment of the League of Arab States will also be discussed. |
Mod. & Contemp. Euro. History | 0203443 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
This course deals with an introduction to the state of medieval Europe from all political, religious, economic and scientific aspects. The landmarks of the European Renaissance are its causes, consequences and most prominent flags, and the movement of geographical discoveries will be exposed to its causes, results and the most important achievements achieved. In addition to introducing the intellectual awakening in Europe at the beginning of the Renaissance and its effects. Among the issues that will be addressed in the history of modern Europe is the French Revolution (its causes, most important developments and consequences), the establishment and collapse of Napoleon's empire, the system of conferences and the balance of power, the emergence of unified Germany and Italy, and the division of Europe into military alliances in the pre-World War I stage. The course also deals with the political and economic conditions of Europe in the contemporary period (World War I: (introductions, events, consequences), fascist movement in Italy, Nazism in Germany, World War II: (introductions, events, consequences), Europe and issues of unity and the European common market). |
The Ottoman Empire | 0203341 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
The course introduces the origin of the Ottomans and how they arrived in Anatolia and then established their emirate and its rapid expansion. With an analysis of the causes of prosperity and weakness that accompanied the state throughout its existence with a focus on late reform attempts. The course also talks about the Eastern question and its developments through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Until the country's involvement in the First World War and its consequences. With a review of the state's political, administrative, financial and military systems. |
Ancient Arab Civilization | 0203111 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
This course deals with the history of ancient Arab civilizations and the motives for the study of Arabs and the West and interest in them, as well as talking about the layers of Arabs and the civilizational features of each class, the sources of the study of the ancient Arab civilization, the geography of the Arab countries, and the characteristics and characteristics of the cities of the Arabian Peninsula. This course will also deal with the political, economic and social conditions of Arab civilizations (Maeen, Qatban, Hadhramaut, Sheba, Himyar, Nabateans, Palmyra, Ghassanids and Manathira, and the metropolises of the Hijaz). In conclusion, he will discuss a cultural comparison between the most famous of these Arab civilizations (north and south of the Arabian Peninsula). and mutual influences. |
Mesopot. & Nile Valley Civil | 0203112 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
The course deals with the sources of the history of the civilizations of Mesopotamia, the Nile Valley, prehistory and the status of the civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Nile Valley, in the first section will deal with the civilizations of Mesopotamia, (location, city states in the era of the dawn of dynasties), and the most important countries that appeared in Iraq and Persia (Sumer, Akkad, Chaldean, Persia, Assyria, Babylon). In this section, it will focus on the Babylonian civilization, (the Code of Hammurabi, the Babylonian law, Achaemenid and Sassanid influences), and in this section it will address the features of the civilizations of Mesopotamia (political and administrative systems, cultural, social and economic fields, and religious thought), while in the second section, the course will deal with the civilization of the Nile Valley during the two periods (stone and metal ages, the era of dynasties and hieroglyphic writing, the ruling pharaonic families), and it will also address the achievements of the Nile Valley civilization (system of government, administration, arts and judiciary, army, architecture, religious, cultural, social and economic life), and then finally he will compare the two civilizations. Greek and Roman influences |
European Medieval History | 0203241 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
The course presents the Roman Empire during the fifth century AD, the factors of its weakness and collapse, the empire and the church, the Germanic tribes and their role in the medieval civilization, the Germanic kingdoms, the empire of Charlemagne and the Middle Renaissance, the emergence and effects of feudalism, the Crusades and their consequences, the impact of Islamic civilization on Europe, the general features of the conditions of Europe until the 14th century AD, and the development of the situation in the Renaissance. |
Islamic World Today | 0203344 | 3 |
Prerequisite | 0203120 | 3 |
The course shows the civilizational and strategic importance of the Islamic world, the reality of Muslims today and discusses their most prominent political, economic, cultural and social problems, and the most prominent intellectual issues that concern Muslims today. It also reviews some of their hot issues in a number of Islamic countries, including (the Palestinian cause, Sudan, Somalia, Kashmir, the Philippines and Chechnya), and is familiar with the situation of Muslim minorities in the Western world, as well as seeks to introduce joint Islamic organizations, and seeks future prospects for the Islamic world. |
Mod. & Cont. His . of Far Ea. | 0203345 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
The course seeks to give a look at the ancient civilizations in the Far East and their position in the history of mankind, study the civilizational, cultural, political and economic developments in the Far East from the beginning of the fifteenth century until World War II, the role of Japan in China and its struggle against European countries, and focuses on the arrival of Islam and its impact on its societies. The course also seeks to draw the ways of renaissance and modernity achieved in these countries and the global role they play. The course also aims to draw the basics of renaissance and social advancement in these countries, in addition to studying the most prominent issues of colonialism and liberation and the means of building a modern society. It also deals with the history of the national movement in China, the conflict between the United States and Japan, and then the history of the transformations that led to the decline of European influence in the Far East after the Korean War and the emergence of current balances, and also seeks to identify the situation of Muslims in some of these countries as a model (the Philippines). |
American History | 0203346 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
The course introduces the civilization of the ancient Americas and its peoples, geographical discoveries, the settlement movement and European competition in the New World, and deals with the developments that led to the independence of the United States, the civil war in the United States, the independence movement in Central and South America, and the relationship of the Americas with Europe during the duration of the two world wars. It also deals with the definition of the Great Depression (the first financial crisis), the impact of World War II, in addition to addressing the study of American policy and contemporary developments. and a statement of American hegemony and globalization. |
His . of Arab. Gul f 1820-1970AD | 0203440 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
The course is concerned with studying the conditions of the Arabian Gulf at the beginning of the nineteenth century AD and the rush of Western powers to the region. The course is also interested in the methods and manifestations of English hegemony over the Arabian Gulf and the imposition of treaties preventing the Trucial Coast, and its conflict with the Qawasim, and the course follows in addition the conditions of the region at the beginning of the twentieth century with the continuation of British hegemony over the Arabian Gulf and its Western competitions, and the course also deals with the beginnings of the emergence of local entities: Al Saud – Al Sabah and Al Khalifa, Al Thani, Bani Yas and Al Bu Saidien. The development of the modern state in the Arabian Gulf after World War II (studying the model of the United Arab Emirates), and the issues that the course will address: (the effects of oil and the building of modern society, Gulf trade, pearl wealth, the emergence of oil, the pearl crisis, liberation movements and building the modern state, societal transformations in the Arabian Gulf, and the future of the Arab Gulf countries in light of the new global developments). |
Maghrib and Andalus Hist | 0203319 | 3 |
Prerequisite | NA | |
The course includes a focus on: the ancient history of Africa and Spain, the origins of the inhabitants of the Maghreb and Andalusia, the development of the Islamic conquests of the Maghreb and Andalusia until the era of the independent states in Morocco (Aghlabids, Idriss, Almoravids, Almohads) through the era of the rulers, the era of the Umayyad dynasty in Andalusia, the era of the Amiri state, the period of hijab in Andalusia and the stage of the state of Bani al-Ahmar (kings of the sects). It also deals with historical and intellectual issues: (the deep civilizational influences of Islam in the Maghreb and Andalusia, the manifestations of Islamic civilization and its distinction from the civilization of the East, the masterpieces of Islamic civilization in Morocco and Andalusia, and finally the contribution of scholars of the Islamic West to the enrichment of human civilization. |