Université de Montréal 2015
Montreal, Canada
PhD in Translation Studies (with Highest Honours)
Entitled Arab Women in Translation: The Dynamics of Representation and the Construction of Identity, the thesis uses critical discourse analysis, mainly Norman Fairclough’s three-dimensional analytical model, to investigate the discursive choices made in the process of translating and consuming novels by Arab women novelists in the US, the UK and France.
University of Leeds 2004
Leeds, UK
MA in Applied Translation Studies (with merit) A program focusing on translation project management, computer-assisted translation (CAT), and discourse analysis for translation.
Abdelmalek Essaadi University- King Fahd School of Translation 1997
Tangier, Morocco
MA in Translation and Copywriting (with merit) A program offering extensive training in specialized translation and copywriting.
Linguistic combination: Arabic-English-French.
Mohamed V University 1995
Rabat, Morocco
BA – Linguistics (with merit)
Peer Reviewed:
Ben Moussa, M., Benmessaoud, S. and Douai, A. (under review). Online memes as ‘tactical’ social action: a multimodal critical discourse analysis approach. Journal of International Communication. (Scopus, Q2)
Benmessaoud, S. (under review). English-Arabic Subtitling: A Relevance-Theoretic Approach. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies. (Scopus, Q1)
Ben Moussa, M. and Benmessaoud, S. (Forthcoming). Public relations online engagement as discursive practice. Public Relations Inquiry. (Scopus, Q1)
Benmessaoud, S. (2020). Maghrebi women's writings in translation. In L. von Flotow & H. Kamal (eds.). Routledge handbook of translation, feminism and gender. New York, London: Routledge. (Scopus-indexed)
Benmessaoud, S. (2019). Hanan al-Shaykh’s Innaha Lundun Ya ‘Azizi: When voice-granting canonicity subverts the writer’s voice. In S. F. Hanna, H. El-Farahaty & A. W. Khalifa (Eds.). Routledge handbook of Arabic translation (pp. 447-464). London: Routledge. (Scopus-indexed)
Book Reviews:
Benmessaoud, S. (2011). Book review: Dib, Naima (2009): D’un Islam textuel vers un Islam contextuel. La traduction du Coran et la construction de l’image de la femme. Ottawa: Ottawa University Press. 209 p. META, 56(3), 729-731.
Benmessaoud, S. (2009). Book review: Gauch, Suzanne (2007): Liberating Shahrazad: Feminism, postcolonialism, and Islam. Minneapolis, London: University of Minnesota Press. 174 p. The Journal of International Women's Studies, 11(2), 231-234.
Benmessaoud, S. (2009). Book review: Duarte J.F., Assis Rosa, A. & Seruya, T. (eds.) (2006): Translation studies at the interface of disciplines, Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Vi + 207 p. META. 54(2), 370-372.
Professional Publications:
Benmessaoud, S. (2008). A step by step guide to translation project management, Translation Directory. Retrieved from [http://www.translationdirectory.com/articles/article1543.php].
▪ PhD Scholarship – 2009/2012: Awarded by the Quebec Fund for Research on Society and Culture (FQRSC), CAD 20 000 per year.
▪ Excellence scholarship – 2012: Awarded by the Université de Montreal within the Programme de bourse en traduction, Université de Montréal, CAD 5000
▪ Excellence scholarship – 2011: Awarded by the Université de Montreal within the Programme de bourse en traduction, Université de Montréal, CAD 10 000
▪ Excellence scholarship – 2010/2011: Awarded by the department of linguistics and translation, Université de Montréal, CAD 8300
▪ Excellence scholarship – 2009/2010: Awarded by the department of linguistics and translation, Université de Montréal, CAD 5000.
▪ Excellence scholarship – 2008/2009: Awarded by the department of linguistics and translation, Université de Montréal, CAD 4833.
▪ Best Thesis Prize – 1997: Awarded by King Fahd School of Translation
▪ Valedictorian Award – 1997: Awarded by King Fahd School of Translation