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Prof.Nouar Tabet Dean Academic RankProfessor


  • Materials Science

Research Interests:

  • Solar Cells, Defects in semiconductors and oxides, Thin films, Nanostructured materials, X-ray, Electron and Ion spectroscopies (SEM/EDS/EBIC,CL, XPS/XES/XAS,SIMS)


- 1988: Doctorat ès Sciences (PhD), in Materials Science, University of Orsay (Paris-Sud), France. Thesis entitled: "Electrical properties of bulk and grain boundaries of Ge polycrystals studied by Electron Beam Induced Current technique EBIC". - 1980: Doctorat 3eme Cycle in Materials Science, University of Orsay, Paris, France, Thesis entitled: "Impurity diffusion of Co and Mg in pure and chromium doped nickel oxide". - 1978: "Diplôme des Etudes Approfondies", DEA in Materials Science, (A grade), University of Orsay, Paris, France. - 1977: DES (BSc) In Solid State Physics, University of Constantine, Algeria.
- Professor , Physics Department, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Jan. 2019-Now. - Chief Scientist, Leader of PV Research Program at Qatar Environment and Energy research Institute (QEERI), Doha, Aug. 2013- Jan. 2019 - Professor, College of Sciences and Engineering (CSE), Hamad Ben Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar - Rector of the University of Constantine. Algeria, August 1990-October 1992 . - President of the Regional Council of the Eastern Universities of Algeria. 1990- 1992. - Director of the Constantine University Review: "Science and Technology" 1991- 1992. - Vice Rector of Constantine University in charge of Research and Graduate studies 1989-1990. - Director of the Cooperation and External Relations of the University of Constantine 1982-1984. - Director of the Solid State Physics Laboratory, Physics Department, University of Constantine, Algeria, 1982-1984.
- Coordinator of the Surface Science Laboratory, Physics Department, KFUPM, 1996-2013. - Member of the Executive Committee of the Center of Research Excellence in Renewable Energy (CoRERE), KFUPM, 2009-2012 - Member of the Board of Directors of the Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology (CENT), KFUPM, 2008 -2013 - Member of the Advisory Board of the Center of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (CMTP), KACST, Saudi Arabia, 2007. - Member of the Selection Committee of the King Faisal International Prize for Science, 2000 and 2009. - Member of the National Scientific Committee (CNE), Algeria, 1992. - Member of the National Research Evaluation Committee, Algeria, 1990-1991.
- Member of Editorial Board of ISRN Nanotechnology, Hindawi Publisher, 2011. - Member of the editorial Board of Journal “Nature & Technologie”, published by University Hassiba Benbouali Chlef, Algeria. - Advisory Board of “Journal of new technology and materials (JNTM)”, published by University of Oum Bouaghi, Algeria.
- CRANN-QEERI initiative for Solar Energy Harvesting Materials: CRAQSolar (PI), QNRF (NPRP 8 – 090 – 2 - 047), Budget: 809,402 USD, Jan 2016 - Jan 2019 - Developing Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Based Alternative Absorbers (WS2 & MoS2) for Cost Effective Photovoltaic Applications (PI), QNRF (NPRP 6 - 931 - 2 - 382), Budget: 1,046,400 USD, Nov 2013 - Jan 2018 - Hybrid quantum dot perovskite solar cells (PI) , QNRF (NPRP8-086-1-017 , Budget: 810,000 USD, Duration: 18/7/2016 – 17/7/2019 - Passivated hole contacts for next-generation industrial silicon wafer solar cells (PI) , QNRF (NPRP9-021-2-009), Budget : 721,424 USD, Dates: Dec 26th 2016 to Dec 26th 2019 - PV PORTFOLIO, Lead, internally funded by QEERI, Qatar Foundation. The project includes three pillars: Module reliability , Silicon technology and Emerging Technologies, Sept. 2017, - “Silicon Growth and defect engineering: GC 3000 Project, Internally funded by QEERI, Qatar Foundation, start: July 2014. - Perovskite solar cell: Device optimization”, GC3007, Internally funded by QEERI, Qatar Foundation, start: July 2014. - “PV Fundamentals”, course on PV technologies, funded by KFUPM, in collaboration with MIT. Start: Sept 2011. Completed 2012 - “Preparation and Study of Nanostructural and Optical properties of Zinc Oxide: Amal AL Oteibi, Dammam University , Consultant, Start Sept 2011. Completed 2013. - “Oxygen vacancies effects on the properties of ZnO-TM”. K. Ziq (PI), N. Tabet (Co-I), A. Ghannam, A. F. Salem, M. Dastageer, KFUPM Funded Projected, 2010. Start Sept. 2010 . - “Synthesis of Nanostructured ZnO and Development of sensing and biomedical applications”, N. Tabet (PI), M. Faiz, N. Maalej, A. Mekki, A. Sunaidi, Z. Yamani. Funded by KACST 2009. Completed - “Electronic Enhancement of a-Si:H via Engineering Thin-Film Stress " as of Sept. 1/2011”, N. Tabet (PI), S. Said, collaboration with MIT (USA) ; T. Buonassisi (PI), J Grossman, E Johlin, and T. Mueller - “Study of the Structural Properties and Hydrodesulfurization Activity of MoS2 and Co/MoS2 Catalysts Prepared by Laser Pyrolysis”, Z. Yamani (PI),N. Tabet, S. Ali, F. Schuster (CEA-France), Funded by Center of Excellence on Nanotechnolgy (CENT-KFUPM), September 2008. Completed. - “Investigation of the Possibility of Enhancing the Processability of Polyolefins by using Nanoclay Additives” Approved for funding to KACST, 2008. Ibnelwaleed A. Hussein (PI) , Abdulhadi A. Al-Juhani and Nouar Tabet (CoIs), Jose Covas (Consultant). Completed. - “Aligning research at KFUPM with International Trends”, Approved and Funded by Office of Quality, KFUPM, Jan. 2007.N. Tabet (PI), B. Yilbas, I. Hussain and M. Kariapper (Co-Is), 2007. Final report submitted, April 2009. Completed. - “DC-Magnetron sputtering Synthesis and characterization of the physical properties of Zinc oxide thin films”, KFUPM funded Project, N. Tabet (PI)_, A. Mekki (CoI) and K. Mezghani (Co-I), INT-2006/299. Completed. - “Investigation of the effect of the preparation conditions on the properties of barium cuprate thin films obtained by DC magnetron sputtering technique”, SABIC project, 2004-2006, M. Faiz (PI), N. Tabet Co-I. Completed. - “Design of a microwave heater to be used in a kitchen microwave oven “ S. Al Quraishi and N. Tabet, College Grant, 2006.Completed - “Investigation of the growth and the electrical properties of thin oxide layers obtained by dry oxidation of zinc substrates”, KFUPM, Fast track Project FT2002/03, N. Tabet (PI), M. Faiz (CoI). Completed. - “X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Magnetization Studies of Strontium-Borate Vanadate Glasses” KFUPM, Fast track Project FT-2002/05, Dr. G. Khattak (PI), N.Tabet (CoI), Completed, 2004 - "Carburization and Metal Dusting Failures of High temperature Alloys", Coinvestigator, KACST Project, No AT-17-33, KFUPM, 1999-2002. Completed - " Galvanization of Steels containing silicon" , Co-investigator ONRS project, 1982- 1984 - "Elaboration and characterization of ZnO varistors", Principal Investigator, DRS/MES Project, Algeria, 1992- 1994. Completed - "Elaboration and characterization of II-VI materials", Co-investigator, DRS/MES project, Algeria, 1990. - " Study of the properties of Germanium used for Infra-red Applications", Contract # AFME/MINIMET/CNRS, France, 1987-1988. - “Use of Combined Spectroscopic Techniques in Material Sciences: Case study on Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors” N. Hamdan, American University, Sharja (AUS), N. Tabet, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia and Z. Hussain, Advanced Light Source, National Livermore Berkeley Laboratory (LNBL), California, USA. Project supported by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2007. - "Electrical properties of defects in semiconductors and ceramics", Principal Investigator, Collaboration program between LPM/CNRS (France) and the University of Constantine, Algeria 1989-1992. - "Study of surface and interface defects in metals and semiconductors", Principal Investigator, Collaboration program between the Louis-Pasteur University of Strasbourg, France and the Universities of Constantine and Setif: 1990-1994.
- “Intrinsic Stability Enhancement and Ionic Migration Reduction by Fluorinated Cations Incorporated in Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskie”, Fedwa El-Mellouhi, Sergey N. Rashkeev, Asma Marzouk, Lara Kabalan, Abdelhak Belaidi,1 Belabbes Merzougui, Nouar Tabet, and Fahhad H. Alharbi, Submitted Dec 2018 - “Exploring New Approaches towards the Formability of Mixed-Ion Perovskite by DFT and Machine Learning” Heesoo Park, Raghvendra Mall, Fahhad H Alharbi, Stefano Sanvito, Nouar Tabet, Halima Bensmail, and Fedwa El-Mellouhi, Accepted to be published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018. - "Analysis of Photocarrier Dynamics at Interfaces in Perovskite Solar Cells by Time Resolved Photoluminescence" Baloch, Ahmer; Alharbi, Fahhad; Grancini, Giulia; Hossain Mohammad; Nazeeruddin Mohammad, Tabet Nouar, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122 (47), 26805–26815 - “A water-repellent low dimensional fluorous perovskite as an interfacial coating for 20% efficient solar cells", Cho Kyung Taek; zhang yi, Orlandi Simonetta, Cavazzini Marco, Zimmermann Iwan, Lesch Andreas, Tabet Nouar, Pozzi Gianluca, Grancini Giulia, Nazeeruddin Mohammad, Nano Lett., 2018, 18 (9), 5467–5474 - “Tetrathienoanthracene and Tetrathienylbenzene Derivativesas Hole-Transporting Materials for Perovskite Solar Cell” Diana Elizabeth Meza Rojas, Kyung Taek Cho, Yi Zhang, Maxence Urbani, Nouar Tabet,, Gema dela Torre, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin, and Tomás Torres , Adv. Energy Materials, 8, 25, (2018) 1800681. - “Electrochemical Deposition of Bulk MoS2 Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications” Md. Anower Hossain, Belabbes A. Merzougui, Fahhad H Alharbi, and Nouar Tabet , Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 186 (2018) 165–174. - “Searching for Photoactive Polymorphs of CsNbQ3 (Q=O,S,Se,Te) with Enhanced Optical Properties and Intrinsic Thermodynamic Stabilities" Park, Heesoo; Alharbi, Fahhad; Sanvito, Stefano; Tabet, Nouar ; El-Mellouhi, Fedwa, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122 (16), pp 8814–8821 - "Design Optimization of Solar Cell with Molybdenum Sulfide as Light Absorber" MI Hossain, FH Alharbi, FE Mellouhi, and N Tabet, Journal of Photonics for Energy, 8(2), 2018, 025501-1. - “Development of microwave susceptors based on SiC composites and their application for a one-step synthesis of ZnO nanostructures” R. Al-Gaashani, S. Radiman, B. Aissa, F.H.Alharbi, N. Tabet, Ceramics International, 44, (2018) 7674 - “Practical Efficiency Limit of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3) Solar Cells” Ahmer A.B. Baloch, M.I. Hossain, N. Tabet, and F.H. Alharbi, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, (2018), 426−434. - Elucidating the Impact of Chalcogen Content on the Photovoltaic Properties of Oxychalcogenide Perovkskites NaMO3-xQx (M=Nb,Ta, and Q=S,Se,Te)" Heesoo Park,, Fahhad H Alharbi,{ Stefano Sanvito, Nouar Tabet, and Fedwa El-Mellouhi, ChemPhysChem, Chemphyschem., 19(6): 2018, 703-714 - “Development of SiC based composites as microwave susceptors and their use for one-step synthesis of ZnO nanostructures” R.Al-Gaashani, S.Radiman, B. Aïssa, F.H.Alharbi, N.Tabet, Ceramics International, 44(7), 2018, 7674-7682.
- Ahmer Baloch, PhD thesis on "Performance of n-type Si based Bifacial PV panels under desert environment", College of Science and Engineering , Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Start: 2016. - Life cycle Assessment of Photovoltaic modules : crystalline and multi crystalline silicon cell”, Meaad Yousif Abdulla Al Jassim., Master of Science in Sustainable Energy, Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), 2018. Co Supervisor. - Asafa Tesleem: PhD thesis, title: ultra Thin SiGe for NEMS Applications” PhD thesis, Co-Supervision, cena-kacst sponsored research with INTEL (Leuven, Belgium). Completed in 2010 - R. Al Gaashani, “Design and Test of a Microwave Heater”, KFUPM, June 2008. - M. Hezam, “Study of the electrical and structural properties of pure and doped ZnO thin films obtained by reactive DC- Magnetron Sputtering., Master Thesis, KFUPM, 2006 - Amal Lafi Al-Oteibi, PhD Thesis, Physics Department, Girls College of Girls, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, "Study of the growth and the electrical properties of Zinc Oxide films” September 2006 - N. Boulares, PhD thesis, Physics Department, University of Constantine, Algeria. Title: “ Synthesis and study of the structural and catalytic properties of Zinc Oxide nanopowders”. June 2005. - Mohamed Ledra, PhD thesis, Physics Department, University of Constantine, Algeria. Title: "Monte Carlo Simulation of the recombination Contrast of Defects in Semiconductors". Expected end: June 2006. - Lafi Al-Oteibi, Master Thesis, Physics Department, Girls College, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, . "X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Investigation of Ge surface oxidation under dry oxygen, 2000. - Jihad H. Al-Sadah “XPS Study of the Growth Kinetics of Germanium Oxide Thin Films Obtained by Thermal Oxidation of Germanium Single Crystals" Physics Department, KFUPM, 1999. - Y. Beggah, Master Thesis, University of Constantine, Algeria, (1992), Title: "EBIC signal Modeling, effect the generation function shape on the efficiency curves of a Schottky contact". - T. Ait Ahcene, Master Thesis, University of Constantine, Algeria (1992). "Synthesis and characterization of ZnS thin films prepared by evaporation techniques" . - N. Boulares , Master Thesis, University of Constantine, Algeria (1994), "on the fabrication and characterisation of ZnO varistors" - Mekki D., Doctorat d'Etat (PhD), University of Annaba, Algeria, ( 1994). "on the EBIC contrast of defects and lnjection level effect on the collection efficiency of Schottky diodes" - M. Ledra, Master Thesis, University of Constantine, Algeria (1996), " Simulation of the electron trajectories in semiconductor and calculation of the generation function of electron-hole pairs". - L. Bouchetout Master Thesis, University of Constantine, Algeria (1986) "On the germanium diffusion in silicon". The thesis was co-supervised by C. Monty LPMCNRS-Bellevue, France. Thesis committee member - Amna Al-Tayeeb, Executive Master in Energy and Resources, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, “Minimizing Qatar’s Energy Sector Carbon Footprint”, Doha, 2016 - Maha Al-Marri, Executive Master in Energy and Resources, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, “ The feasibility of converting fleets of small and large vehicles from diesel to 100% natural gas in Qatar” , Doha, 2016 - Iqbal Zafar, ME Deaprtment, “Development of Rh based Pin Tool for friction stir Welding of Steels”, PhD Thesis, September 2012. - Hasna AL Ali, King Faysal University, EL Ahsa, “Synthesis and characterization ofZn2 SiO4 nanoparticles via Sol-Gel Technique”, 4 March 2012. - MUHAMMAD SALEEM : “FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF IRON OXIDE THIN FILMS PREPARED BY THE THERMAL OXIDATION OF IRON”, Master thesis in Physics, defense: 29-Apr-2012. - Adesina, Ayuba Adegoke, PhD Thesis, Chemical Engineering Department, KFUPM, May 2011. - Ghada Hadi Saud Sheetah “ Sol gel Parameters effect on the structural and optical properties of ZnO Nanomaterials”, MS thesis in Physics, King Faisal University, AL Ahsa, January 2011 - Abdulaziz Hussain Al-Aswad: “Energy efficient coatings based on WO3/Metal multilayers”, Master Thesis, KFUPM, 28 January 2009. - Mahdi Al Maghrabi, “ZnO Thin films ” Master Thesis, KFUPM, December 2008. - Bader Saad Al-Harthi: “Magnetic and Transport Proeprties of Er0.55Sr0.45Mn 1- xCrxO3 Manganites” Master Thesis, KFUPM, Dec. 2008 - Atif Ismael Abdurazzak “ Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of ZnO:Cu Doped with Magnetic Impurities”, Master Thesis, KFUPM, June 2008 - Yin Ruchuan, “Carburization Behaviour of Iron –Based Alloys in Methane/Hydrogen Gas Mixtures”, Phd Thesis, Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, May 2002. - Hala Hashem Muhammed: “ Study of the effect of Gamma-ray Radiations on the Magnetic and superconducting Properties of GdBa2Cu3O7-x “,Master Thesis, Girls College, Dammam, 2006. - Fuad Enaya : “Magnetic and Scaling Properties of YBa2Cu4O8 High Temperature Superconductor”, Master Thesis, KFUPM,1998 - Ezzat Omar Abdullah Abu Azzah: “ Localization and Delocalization Studies in One Dimensional Electronic Disordered Systems”, Master Thesis, KFUPM, 1998. Supervision of student Projects - “Deposition of TiO2 thin films by sputtering technique” , S. Nezar, Center of Advanced Techniques, Algeria, April-May 2015. - Basem Hindi, and Maher Armoush, Qatar Leadership Program (QLSP), Texas A&M University at Qatar Internship entitled: “Performance Measurement of Monofacial and Bifacial), PV Panels in Qatar’s Climate”, QEERI, May 15-July 21, 2016
- “A process for selective deep hydrodesulfurization of a hydrocarbon feedstock using an unsupported nanocatalyst made by laser pyrolysis”, Zain Yamani, Syed Ahmed Ali, Nouar Tabet, Yann LECONTE, Axelle QUINSAC and Frédéric SCHUSTER, US Patent 10023813, issued on 17 July 2018. - “Method of preparing silver nanoparticles and silver nanorings” , Qasem Ahmed Drmosh, Mohamma Kamel Hossain, and Nouar Tabet, US Patent 9745645B2, 29 Aug, 29, 2017. - “Photovoltaic System for spectrally resolved solar light” Jihad Al-Sadah and Nouar Tabet, KFUPM U.S. Patent 9876133B2, 23 Jan 2018. - “Enhanced photovoltaic properties of Perovskite Oxychalcogenide, Fedwa ELMellouhi, Fahhad Hussain Al Harbi, Heesoo Park, Sanvitos, Nouar Tabet Provisional patent , 2017-026-01, US 62/574842 . - “ Cesium-niobium-chalcogenide and semiconductor devices including the same” Fadwa EL-Mellouhi, Heesoo Park, Nouar Tabet Fahhad Hussain Al Harbi, Sanvitos, Provisional patent Provisional Feb 7th 2018, 2018-001, US, 62/627494 - “Intrinsic stability enhancement and ionic migration mitigation by fluorinated cations incorporation in Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskites “ Inventors: Fedwa El-Mellouhi, Nouar Tabet, Fahhad H Alharbi, Abdelhak Belaidi, Belabbes Merzougui, Sergey Rashkeev, US 62/642,910. - Hybrid (Organic-inorganic) perovskite based solar cell with a copper oxide as hole transport material “, Nouar Tabet, Mohammad I. Hossain and Fahhad Alharbi,, Attorney Docket No. 32605.35.
- Research Excellence Award, KFUPM, 2011 - Recipient of “Al Marai Prize for Innovation in Physics”, 2004. - Award for Distinguished Services for the Physics Department and the College of Sciences, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 2004.
First, I believe that effective teaching requires a strong focus on student learning and the passion of the faculty for the subject. “I have decided to do my PhD on BioFET because of the course on Solid State Devices that I took with you” , wrote one of my former students wrote to me after graduating from a Canadian University: Second, Physics is about understanding the laws of nature and how they can be used to develop technologies to serve better the human society. I dedicate most of my “first Lecture” to introduce the content of the course , the learning outcomes and discuss some of the latest technological applications that are based on the knowledge developed in the course. This allows me to nurture the motivation of the students for learning by showing the “relevance” of the course to current knowledge and cutting edge research. Third, student engagement in the teaching process is of critical importance. I do not hesitate to discuss options with my students whenever possible: Topics for term paper, 2 versus 1 major exam (for non coordinated courses), number of quizzes, and the difficulties they may face or the questions the may have about their career.
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