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The Medicine II clerkship, which is a continuum of the Medicine I clerkship, is a 10-week clinical rotation in internal medicine with specific emphasis and focus on emergency medicine and sub-specialities; Accident and Emergency, Neurology, Cardiology, Dermatology and Radiology. This clerkship is a core clinical clerkship that provides the critical foundations for not only adult inpatient medicine but also for the care of the acutely ill patient. Students will be part of inpatient care teams that will include interns, residents, and faculty.

Students will learn through hospital training and daily care of patients, MCQ review sessions, self-directed study. Students are expected to attain the necessary skills to care for their patients as their primary point of contact and to begin to assume the responsibility for caring and coordinating care for patients.

In addition, students are expected to develop the basic skills of patient care in an academic environment. These skills include working across disciplines and professions on a health care team, effectively documenting and relaying patient care information, and learning how to gather information to create a well-formulated assessment and plan. The skills learned will provide the foundation for patient care that students will use across disciplines for the remainder of medical school, into residency, and beyond.

By the end of the clerkship, students are expected to acquire a core knowledge skills essential for thorough formulation of clinical problems of their patients (integral, workable and consistent formulation) and the ability to design proficient plans for management of patients with these presentations rather than detailed tactics of investigating and treating cataloged diseases. These competencies will be acquired through both supervision and practice in different clinical settings and will be fostered by appropriate teaching and evaluation.

This manual will provide students with relevant details regarding the Medicine II clerkship, to pave their paths to successful completion of their rotations.