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Prof.Ashraf Elnagar Academic RankProfessor


  • Computer Science (Intelligent Systems)

Research Interests:

  • Robotics, Machine Learning, Data Science, and Arabic Natural Language


- Sep. 93 Ph.D., CS Department, University of Alberta, Canada - May 88 M.S., CS Department, University of Kuwait, Kuwait - Jan. 86 B.S., CS Department, University of Kuwait, Kuwait
- Sep. 07 – Present, Professor, Computer Science - Sep. 07 – Aug. 10, Dean, Community College - Sep. 07 – Aug. 10, Chief Academic Supervisor, Khorfakkan Campus - Feb. 07 - Aug. 07, Acting Dean, College of Business - Sep. 05 - Aug. 07, Chair, MIS Dept. - Sep. 02 – Sep. 06, ICDL Center Manager - Sep. 99 – Aug. 07, Associate Prof., Computer Science - Sep. 98 – Aug. 03, Founding Chair, Computer Science - Sep. 98 – Aug. 99, Assistant Prof., Computer Science Sep. 07 – Present Professor Computer Science University of Sharjah (UOS) Sep. 07 – Aug. 10 Dean Community College University of Sharjah Sep. 07 – Aug. 09 Chief Academic Supervisor Khorfakkan Campus University of Sharjah Feb. 07 - Aug. 07 Acting Dean College of Business University of Sharjah Sep. 05 - Aug. 07 Chair MIS University of Sharjah Sep. 02 – Sep. 06 ICDL Center Manager University University of Sharjah Summer 01/02 Visiting Researcher Computer Science University of Calgary Sep. 99 – Aug. 07 Associate Prof. Computer Science University of Sharjah Sep. 98 – Aug. 03 Founding Chair Computer Science University of Sharjah Summer 97/98 Visiting Researcher Computer Science University of Alberta Jan. 95 - Aug. 98 Lecturer Computer Science Sultan Qaboos Univ. (SQU) Sep. 94 - Jan. 95 Research Associate (NSERC PDF Award) Engineering Science Simon Fraser University Sep. 93 - Aug. 94 Visiting Lecturer Computing Science University of Alberta
1. Technical Program Committee member/Session Chair (last 3 years) 1. Chair of the 1st Workshop on Arabic Natural Language Processing (ANLP2017), Hammamet, Tunisia, Oct. 30 – Nov. 3, 2017. 2. Technical Program Committee member for to AICCSA 2017, 14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Hammamet, Tunisia, Oct. 30 – Nov. 3, 2017. 3. Technical Program Committee member for to 5th ICSIIT 2017, the International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology, Bali, Indonesia, Sept. 26-29, 2017. 4. Session Chair for the 13th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2016, November 29th to December 2nd, 2016, Agadir, Morocco. 5. Technical Program/Steering Committee member for International Conference on Signal Image Processing Communication & Automation (ICSIPCA 2016), Dec. 2016, Bengaluru, India. 6. International Program Committee Member of the The 16th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT'16) will be held in Al-Ain, UAE, November 28-30, 2016. 7. International Program Committee member for the 2016 Int. Conf. on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR), Sept. 2016, Dhaka. 8. Program Committee member for International Conference on Informatics and Analytics (ICIA-16), Aug. 2016, India. 9. Program Committee member for the 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2016). 10. .Program Committee member for the IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Control Systems (RCS 2016), Chengdu, China from August 22 – 24, 2016. 11. Program 12. Committee member for The 15th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2016), August 16 – 18, 2016, Campinas, Brazil. 13. Program Committee Member of the The Eleventh International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2016), May 22 - 26, 2016 - Valencia, Spain. 14. Program Committee Member of the 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2016), April 2016, Bandung, Indonesia. 15. Session Chair for the Fifth International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Sharjah, UAE, Mar 3-5, 2015. 16. Session Chair for the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Application (ICIRA2014), Guangzhou, China, Pages: 479-490, Dec. 17-20, 2014. 17. Program Committee member for ICMWT2015, the 2nd International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, June 22nd to 24th in 2015,. 18. International Program Committee Member of the The 4th International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology (ICSIIT2015), Bali, Indonesia on 11-14 March 2015. 19. International Program Committee Member of the The 16th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services(iiWAS2014), Hanoi, Vietnam, 4 - 6 December 2014. 20. International Program Committee Member of the International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), Mysore, India, November 27-29, 2014. 21. International Program Committee Member of the The 10th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT'14) will be held in Al-Ain, UAE, November 9-11, 2014. 22. International Program Committee Member of the 3rd International Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications (ICCASA2014), Dubai, UAE from 15-16 October 2014. 23. International Program Committee Member of the the 3rd International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), in the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 23-24 May, 2014. 2. Evaluating Research Projects 1. I have evaluated a project proposal for The Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), Feb. 2015. 2. I have evaluated a project proposal for Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, Feb. 2012. 3. Associate Editor: 1. Member of the International Scientific Board Committee of the International Academy of Industrial, Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering Society, Jan. 2016. 2. Associate Editor of the International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering (IJIEE), Dec. 2012. 3. Associate Editor of the International Journal on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Technology Applications (IJMIA), Oct. 2011. 4. Evaluating Promotion Files I am active in this area as I have already evaluated several external promotion files from different countries. 5. Evaluating Books I have reviewed for the following publishers: 1. Full translation of a book published by KFUPM, (~1100 pages), Jan. 2015. 2. A book for Thompson Learning Publishers, Jan. 2007. Selected Research Projects 1. Construction and Analysis of Datasets for Arabic Sentiment Analysis. 2. Classification of Arabic Quran Reciters. 3. Construction of 3D Geometric and Sematic Model for an Indoor Environment by a Service Robot.
1. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). 2. Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society. 3. Robotics & Automation Society.
1. Construction and Analysis of Datasets for Arabic Sentiment Analysis. 2. Classification of Arabic Quran Reciters. 3. Construction of 3D Geometric and Sematic Model for an Indoor Environment by a Service Robot.
published more than 120 refereed articles as chapter in Book, Journal, and conference papers. My publications since 2010:  Chapter in Book 1. A. Elnagar, Y. Khalifa, and A. Einea, Hotel Arabic-Reviews Dataset Construction for Sentiment Analysis Applications, to appear in Intelligent Natural Language Processing: Trends and Applications, Springer, 2017. 2. Reem Nasir and A. Elnagar, Exploration of Unknown Multiply Connected Environments Using Minimal Sensory Data, Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8917, pp 479-490, 2014  Published in Refereed Journals 1. O. Hamza and A. Elnagar, Localization and Navigation of Autonomous Indoor Mobile Robots, to appear in the International Journal of Computing, Communication and Instrumentation Engineering (IJCCIE). This is an invited paper as it won best session-paper award in the International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Material and Mechanical Engineering (ISMME'2015). 2. R. Nasir and A. Elnagar, Gap Navigation Trees for Discovering Unknown Environments. Journal of Intelligent Control and Automation, 6(4), 229-240, 2015. doi: 10.4236/ica.2015.64022. 3. A. Elnagar and R. Bentrecia, A Recognition-Based Approach to Segmenting Arabic Handwritten Text Segmentation, Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, 7(4), 93-103, 2015. DOI: 10.4236/jilsa.2015.74009 4. Manar Abu Talib and A. Elnagar, Your future is our business: A new CS student recruitment strategy University of Sharjah (UOS) case study, in the the Journal Computer Science (JCS), 11(1), 145-152, 2015. DOI:10.3844/jcssp.2015.145.152 5. Nasr Mohammed and A. Elnagar, Construction of Polyhedral Nets: A Mining Approach, the International Journal on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Technology Applications (IJMIA), 3(2), 10-23,2013. 6. A. Elnagar, A Robust Incremental Algorithm for Predicting the Motion of Rigid Body in a Time-Varying Environment, International Journal of Intelligence Science, 2(3), 49-54,2012. doi:10.4236/ijis.2012.23007 7. A. Jadallah and A. Elnagar, Iqtebas 1.0: A Fingerprinting-Based Plagiarism Detection System for Arabic Text-Based Documents, the International Journal on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Technology Applications, 2(2), 31 - 43, 2012. doi:10.4156/ijmia.vol2.issue2.4 8. A. Elnagar and R. Bentrecia, A Multi-Agent Approach to Arabic Handwritten Text Segmentation, Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, 4(3), 207-215, 2012. DOI: 10.4236/jilsa.2012.43021. 9. I. Al Bluwi and A. Elnagar, A Logarithmic-Complexity Algorithm for Nearest Neighbor Classification Using Layered Range Trees, Journal of Intelligent Information Management, 4(2), 39-43, 2012. DOI: 10.4236/iim.2012.42006. 10. F. Al-Shamsi and A. Elnagar, An Intelligent Assessment Tool for Students' Java Submissions in Introductory Programming Courses programs, Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, 4(1), 59-69, 2012. DOI: 10.4236/jilsa.2012.41006 11. A. Elnagar, Prediction of Future Configurations of a Moving Target in a Time-Varying Environment Using an Autoregressive Mode , to appear in Journal of Intelligent Control and Automation, 2(4), 284-292, 2011.  Published in Refereed Conference Proceedings 1. A. Elnagar, Investigation on Sentiment Analysis of Arabic Book Reviews, in the 13th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2016, Agadir, Morocco, Nov 29 –Dec 2, 2016. 2. Ashraf Elnagar and Omar Einea, BRAD 1.0: Book Reviews in Arabic Dataset, in the 1st International Workshop for Data Science and Computing (DSC’2016) held together with the 13th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2016 Agadir, Morocco, Nov 29 –Dec 2, 2016. 3. O. Hamza and A. Elnagar, A Kinect based Indoor Mobile Robot Localization, to appear 10th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications (ISMA15), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 8-10 , 2015. 4. O. Hamza and A. Elnagar, Localization and Navigation of Autonomous Indoor Mobile Robots, to appear International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Material and Mechanical Engineering (ISMME'2015), Istanbul, Turkey, Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 2015. Won best session-paper award; to appear in the Journal International Journal of Computing, Communication and Instrumentation Engineering (IJCCIE). 5. M. S. Ali, A. Elnagar, A. Hussein, Students’ Prospective on the Need for a General Education Course in Information Technology, to appear International Conference on Engineering Education (IFEE2015), Sharjah, UAE, Mar. 17-19, 2015. 6. A. Hussein, A. Elnagar, M. S. Ali, Measuring Consistency of Assessment Tools in Students’ Achievement of Course Outcomes, to appear International Conference on Engineering Education (IFEE2015), Sharjah, UAE, Mar. 17-19, 2015. 7. Manar Abu Talib and A. Elnagar, Inspiring Students to Empower Computer Science, to appear International Conference on Engineering Education (IFEE2015), Sharjah, UAE, Mar. 17-19, 2015. 8. Reem Nasir and A. Elnagar, Exploration of Unknown Multiply Connected Environments Using Minimal Sensory Data, in the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Application (ICIRA2014), Guangzhou, China, Pages: 479-490, Dec. 17-20, 2014. 9. Nasr Mohammed and A. Elnagar, Performance Evaluation of a Network Flow Based Algorithm for Multi Robots Coordinated Motion Planning, the 6th IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM 2013), Manila, Philippines,Pages: 124-129, Nov. 12-15, 2013. 10. A. Elnagar and M. Ali, Survey of Student Perceptions of a Modified Team Based Learning Approach on An Information Technology Course, Palestinian International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (PICICT 2013), Gaza, Palestine, Pages: 22-28, April 15 - 16, 2013. 11. A. Elnagar and M. Ali, A Modified Team-Based Learning Methedology for Effective Delivery of an Introductory Programming Course, The ACM Joint Conference on IT Education and Research in IT (SIGITE), Calgary-Alberta, Canada, Pages: 177-182, Oct. 11 - 13, 2012. 12. A. Jadalla and A. Elnagar, A Fingerprinting-Based Plagiarism Detection System for Arabic Text-Based Documents, International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management (NCM2012), Seoul, Korea, Pages: 477 – 482, April 24 - 26, 2012. 13. A. Jadalla and A. Elnagar, A Plagiarism Detection System for Arabic Text-Based Documents, Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (PAISI) along with The 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceVolume 7299; Pages: 145 – 153, May 29 - June 1, 2012. 14. F. Al-Shamsi and A. Elnagar, An automated assessment and reporting tool for introductory Java programs, to appear in the 7th International Innovations in Information Technology, (IIT 2011), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Page(s): 324 – 329, April 25-27, 2011. 15. F. Al-Shamsi and A. Elnagar, eGrader: The programming solutions’ grader in introductory Java courses, the International Conference on Computer Supported Education, (CSEDU 2011), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, Pages: 36 – 45, May 6-9, 2011. 16. I. Al-Bluwi and A. Elnagar, Maintaining Visibility of a Moving Target: Maximizing Escape Time vs. Exposure Time, the 11th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2010), Singapore, Pages: 982-987, Dec. 7-10, 2010. 17. I. Al-Bluwi and A. Elnagar, Pursuit Evasion in Dynamic Environments with Visibility Constraints , International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2010), Shanghai, China, Pages: 116-129 , 10-12 Nov. 2010. 18. A. Elnagar and I. Al-Bluwi, Maintaining Visibility of a Moving Target: The Case of An Adaptive Collision Risk Function, International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology (ICSIIT 2010), Bali, Indonesia, 1-2 July 2010.
1. Mohamed ElSaeed ElSheshtawy ElZaiady, M.Sc., “Construction of 3D Geometric and Sematic Model for an Indoor Environment by a Service Robot”, Started May 2016. 2. Maythaa Abdullah, M.Sc., “Social Robots for Children with Autism: A Therapy Assistive Technology”, Started Jan. 2015. 3. Osama hamza, M.Sc., “Cost Effective Telerobotics Localization Solution”, Dec. 2015. 4. Nasr Mohamed, M.Sc., “Enumeration of Spanning Trees Using Edge Exchange With Minimal Partitioning“, May 2014. 5. Reem Nasir, M.Sc., “Exploration of unknown multiply connected environments using Gap Navigation Trees“, Dec. 2013. 6. Mohammed Ocba, M.Sc., “Opinion Mining in Arabic Online News Commentary”, Jan. 2012. 7. Fatima M Al-Shamsi, M.Sc., “An Automatic Grading System for Students' Solutions in Java Introductory Programming Courses”, Jun. 2010. 8. Ameera Khaireddin Jadalla, M.Sc., “Plagiarism Detection in Arabic Text-Based Documents”, May 2010. 9. Ibrahim Al-Bluwi, M.Sc., “Pursuit Evasion in Dynamic Environments”, Mar. 2009. 10. Rahima Bentrcia, M.Sc, “Handwriting Segmentation of Unconstrained Arabic Text”, Nov. 2008. 11. Farid Al Amiri, Executive MBA, “Study of the Effect of Knowledge Management Systems on Sharjah Governmental Sector”, May 2008. 12. Amna AlDahak, M.Sc, “A Randomized Pursuit-Evasion Approach in Polygonal Environments: Detection and Tracking”, May 2005. [Won best MSc thesis award, University of Sharjah, 2006]. 13. Leena Lulu, M.Sc, “An Art Gallery Based Approach for Efficient Motion Planning in Global Environments”, Oct. 2004.
Distinguished (Incentive) Teaching Award, University of Sharjah (May 2016) in recognition of an outstanding teaching record.  Best paper presentation in the afternoon-sessions of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Material and Mechanical Engineering (ISMME'2015), Istanbul, Turkey, Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 2015.  Overall Distinction Award, College of Arts & Science, University of Sharjah (May 2008) in recognition of outstanding overall performance (i.e., teaching, research & service).  Distinguished (Incentive) Research Award, University of Sharjah (May 2007) in recognition of outstanding research record.  Distinguished Research Award, College of Arts & Science, University of Sharjah (May 2007) in recognition of outstanding research record.  Distinguished University & Community Service Award, College of Arts & Science, University of Sharjah (May 2006) in recognition of outstanding service at the College level.  Most Popular Teacher, Department of Computer Science, University of Sharjah (May 2006), conducted by the Computer Science Students Society.  Certified Training professional Certificate (GCC C05 0033), ICDL GCC, May 2005.  Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Sharjah (June 2004) in recognition of outstanding teaching at the University level.  Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Arts & Science, University of Sharjah (May 2004) in recognition of outstanding teaching at the College level.  IEEE Senior Membership (April 2003).  Best Paper Award, awarded by Sharjah Bank to best paper submitted by faculty members of the University of Sharjah (May 2002) in recognition of outstanding research activities at the University level.  ICDL Center Test Manager, UNESCO-Cairo office (Nov. 2001).  Distinguished Research Award, University of Sharjah (May 2001).  The 1999 Best Young Researcher Award in the fields of Computer Science, Math & Statistics in the Arab World (Nov. 2000).
During my academic career, I have undertaken administrative positions at the department, college, and university levels. 1) Department level I. Founding Chairman of the Department of Computer Science, College of Arts & Sciences, from Sep. 1998 to Aug. 2003. As the founding Chair of the CS Department for 5 years, I led the department through a major development phase that witnessed significant expansion of the academic and research programs, increased faculty and staff members in terms of numbers and quality, total number of students as well as major expansion of the infrastructure and facilities. During that period, the CS department was transformed into a first-class department as was measured by enrollment, diversity and quality of programs and graduates, research activities and output, student academic achievements and standing, infrastructure and facilities, and industrial relations. II. Chairman of the Department of Management Information Systems, College of Business, from Sep. 2005 to Aug. 2007. As Chair of the MIS Department, I 2) College level During my service at the University of Sharjah, I had the opportunity of being an acting dean and then as a dean of two different colleges. I. Acting Dean of the College of Business, from Jan. 2007 to Aug. 2007. II. Dean of the Community College; from Sep. 2007 to Aug. 2010. 3) University level I have been appointed as the Chief Academic Supervisor of the University of Sharjah Campus in Khorfakan from Sep. 2007 to Aug. 2009. During this period, I had to coordinate with respective Deans in the main campus to develop and implement new academic programs as well as departments, and to sustain the momentum associated with successful expansion of the infrastructure, facilities and human resources in order to meet the expectations.
There is an ancient Chinese proverb that summarizes, to a great extent, my teaching philosophy in short. That is, "Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he eats for a lifetime." I believe that learning can take place anywhere and at any time and extends throughout a lifetime. Teaching is the act of facilitating a learning experience that is focused on the learner’s needs and the characteristics of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that the learner sets out to acquire. Taking the learner and learning goals into account, the teacher collaborates with the student to design, implement, and continuously evaluate and improve on the strategies and resources called upon as part of a learning event. Like other practitioners in the computing field, my basic philosophy of teaching/learning has evolved‚ and will continue to do so‚ over the years. The guiding principle in my teaching now encompasses the idea that teachers should seek to empower or capacitate students with the necessary skills to take control of their own learning, and, at the same time, emulate the behaviors they expect their students to acquire. My strong belief in producing active learners stems from the fact that knowledge is not passively received but actively built over time.
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