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Chair's Welcome


The Department of Computer Science was founded in 1997 and now it offers five programs: B.Sc. in Computer Science, B.Sc. in IT Multimedia, M.Sc. in Computer Science, M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence, and M.Sc. in​ Data Science. The Computer Science program was the first ​Ministry of Education accredited program in the University of Sharjah. Our department is the first to offer an M.Sc. degree in Computer Science in the UAE. The IT Multimedia program was accredited in 2010. Now, the Department of Computer Science is among the most distinguished academic units in the region. We are very proud of our strong academic programs, which are practical and flexible with lasting foundational knowledge, matching well with the needs of today's information technology driven society. As perceived by employers, our graduates are professional and outstanding contributors to their respective organizations.

The Department of Computer Science seeks to be a center of excellence in teaching, research and community service. We have designed the entire curriculum in accordance with the ACM and IEEE taskforce requirements. The Department is equipped with 1​6 instructional laboratories containing 250 PC's and 50 UNIX workstations. A dedicated multimedia lab with 24 Mac Pro systems. In addition, two specialized labs to serve senior students in their final year projects have been added.

Prof. Sebti Foufou

Head of Department​