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Director's Welcome

The Research Institute of Sciences and Engineering (RISE) was established in September 2014 to help position the University of Sharjah (UoS) as a science and technology research and innovation hub in the UAE and the region. Our mission at RISE is to facilitate, support, streamline, strengthen and otherwise serve the research and training needs of the UoS researchers, students, and stakeholders through promoting quality research and innovation in priority science, computing and engineering areas that are aligned with and serve the sustainable development needs of Sharjah, the UAE and the region.

RISE researchers are organized in interdisciplinary research groups, research laboratories and research centers of excellence.  Researchers is conducted by researchers and students from  the College of Sciences, College of Engineering and College of Computing and Informatics together with collaborators from other UoS colleges and partners from local and international organizations.  

RISE researchers are making significant research contribution in a number of research areas, including water and the environment, advanced materials, sustainable energy systems and technologies, sustainable infrastructure and built environment, biotechnology, biomedical science & technology and bioinformatics, cyber security, artificial intelligence, block chain technology and remote sensing. 

To support researchers, RISE has established a number of state-of-the-art research facilities, including advanced materials laboratory, high-performance computing facility, fabrication workshop, electronics workshop, integrated environmental analysis laboratory, remote sensing center, biotechnology lab, robotics laboratory, construction materials lab, transportation & pavement lab, and other facilities.

The UoS provides through RISE a wide range of research grants for researchers.  These include seed grants for new faculty members, competitive research grants, collaborative research grants with external public and private organizations, targeted research grants, and undergraduate and graduate students' research grants.  Grants are also available to do research during summer at the UoS or with international research organizations, in addition to allowances to attend international scientific events. 

The UoS also provides through RISE research assistantships for graduate students to pursue their studies at UoS.  Furthermore, the RISE international students' exchange programs has attracted tens of bright students from around the world to work with UoS researchers and students in the research groups, laboratories and centers.

The RISE team, including director, administrators, directors of research centers, coordinators of research group, and coordinators of service research laboratories and workshops are here to help. So please feel free to contact any of the RISE team members if you have questions or suggestions, or if you would like to explore research ideas or collaboration opportunities.

Prof. Abdallah Shanableh, CPEng
Director of RISE