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Goals and Objectives


"Building strong cohesive families through the application of research findings to policies and practices"

Objectives of the Center:

  • Conduct essential research on family and child.
  • Develop a family and child database for the Emirate of Sharjah that would inform future relevant plans and programs.
  • Develop comprehensive statistical indicators for family and child issues that comply with local, regional, and international standards
  • Enhance the research capabilities of the employees of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs.
  • Collaborate with concerned entities such as the prosecutor general, courts, schools, nurseries, and the media in order to develop a clearer understanding of the family situation in the emirate based on sound scientific knowledge.
  • Provide research consultation and compliment the expertise and knowledge of academic researchers, practitioners, and decision makers in the field.
  • Develop best practice in the area of family and child according to the findings of studies conducted by the center.
  • Provide the Supreme Council for Family Affairs with the findings of research studies conducted by the center to inform its decision making on relevant matters.
  • Partner with the Family Marsad which is affiliated to Supreme Council for Family Affairs.