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“Words fail to describe how grateful I and Professor Gomati are for the warm welcome and generous hospitality rendered to us by you, your team and all associated with our visit. We carry with us unforgettable memories of a wonderful conference and numerous good friends. I regret that we did not have long enough time to enjoy and blend with all of you. We are so very glad that we have made this journey. I could feel the resonance in the hearts of all those to whom we spoke. Our real award is in the discovery that this visit will generate future long term collaboration between FSTC and University of Sharjah and in particular the new International Foundation.”
Professor Salim T S Al-Hassani
Foundation for Science, Technology & Civilization
“Thanks a lot for your kind invitation, efforts and work for the Second International Conference on Arabs and Muslims History of Science in the University of Sharjah. I enjoyed very much with my professors colleagues and the organization.
I found all the papers very interesting and I go back to Spain with a very good souvenir.”   
Marc Oliveras
University of Barcelona
“Many thanks for putting on an excellent conference. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to attend and contribute in a small way to a really successful conference. Please thank your amazing helpers who all did an amazing and wonderful job.
I enjoyed all the opportunities to meet and talk to people from a large number of different countries, see the new planetarium, listen to some inspirational speakers and to see your beautiful and amazing university. 
May you continue your excellent work and build on the success of this conference.”
Rukhsana Yaqoob
Independent Educational Consultant
“I would like to thank you again for all your considerable assistance, which allowed the whole visit to run very smoothly. I felt very welcome in Sharjah and enjoyed my trip very much.”
Martin Barstow - Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Head of the College of Science & Engineering, Professor of Astrophysics & Space Science
President, Royal Astronomical Society
“This is to thank you very much for your kind invitation to the conference and also for your hospitality that you and your team extended to me during my stay in Sharjah.
Kindly convey my special gratitude to each and every member of your team due to whose sincere support and vigilant management the conference was made successful.  I met few them but I know many were working behind the scene as well. My thanks to all of them.
I wish there was a group photo of the participants taken at the end of the conference but somehow either I missed it or the group missed me, in any case this does not effect the success of the conference.
Finally I hope that the proceedings of the conference shall be published and made available to the participants in coming days.”
Dr. Shahid Ahmad Rajput
Islamic Art Historian, Fulbright Fellow,
Professor Dept. of Architecture and Design,
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
"This was my first Muslim-Scientific conference and truly a unique experience. I very much enjoyed the shared vision as well the follow up discussions. There were many good talks and I enjoying meeting and discussing various topics with other people whom I met there. There is truly a great history of science in Muslim countries and a great potential to carry on this tradition"
Sona Hosseini
University of California - Davis
" شكرا لكم على حسن التنظيم، جزاكم الله كل خير"
أحمد أبوشتال
"شكراً جزيلاً واتمنى ان التقي بكم ثانية ان شاءالله وبارك الله فيكم، وجزاكم الله كل خيرمع فائق الشكر والتقدير"
 د.احلام احمد الدوري
 العراق/ بغداد
"زملائي الافاضل وزميلاتي الفضليات
لم يسعفني الحظ لأن اقدم محاضرتي غدا لعدم حصولي على التأشيرة في موعدها، ولكن لا اعرف كيف اشكركم على كل الرسائل القيمة التي افدتموني بها حول تحضير المؤتمر. قمتم بعمل جبار فحفظكم الله و رعاكم.الف و الف شكر و لكم من الجزائر احر التحيات"
Université1 Ahmed Ben Bella
Faculté: Sciences de la Nature(SNV)
Département de Biologie
Oran  Algérie