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Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies Office

Message from the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies

The development of any nation can be measured by its dedication to the importance of scientific research. The University of Sharjah believes in the crucial role of scientific research in the development of the modern United Arab Emirates. Since its establishment in 1997, the university has put research at the top of its list of priorities. Part of the university's strategy is to promote research among faculty members in all colleges, with the aim of attracting outstanding faculty with impressive research accomplishments. This stems from the university's understanding of scientific research as the basis of economic, social, humanitarian, and medical developments. With scientific research we construct knowledge, and within this knowledge lies the solution to many problems.

Because we aspire for excellence in scientific research, not only locally but also regionally and internationally, we apply the vision of His Highness Dr. Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al-Qasimi, member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah. In this sense, the administration, represented by the University Chancellor Prof. Hamid Al-Naimy, focused in its previous strategic plan (2014-2019) on restructuring scientific research at the university by creating the position of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies. It also established three research institutes that cover various fields of knowledge, including: the Research Institute of Medicine and Health Sciences, the Research Institute of Sciences and Engineering, as well as the Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences. There are currently nine research centers and 75 research groups working within these institutes. Faculty members in these centers and groups have conducted a substantial number of research studies in collaboration with other faculty members in the same department, in different departments (interdisciplinary research), and in other reputable parties from outside the University of Sharjah with rich experience in scientific research. To this is added the College of Graduate Studies which offers a rich variety of graduate programs and engages its students in research across a large spectrum of disciplines.

We have also signed a large number of agreements with several local, regional and international institutions in support of the research studies our faculty members are engaged in.

The University is dedicated to offering BA, MA, and doctoral students the best education and services. They are encouraged to engage in research activities with their professors, so as to contribute to better serving the community and get published in renowned scientific journals.

The university has also established other units/departments to further support scientific research, including: the Research Funding Department, the Scientific Publishing Unit, the Technology Transfer Office, and the Research Outreach Department, which aims at building relationships with different groups in the community and conducting further scientific research studies to help serve the community better. Substantial amounts of money were raised for research funding, under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah. This considerable support for research is continued and further enhanced by the president of the University of Sharjah, His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al-Qasimi, in conformity with the goals and aspirations of the current research strategy (2019-2024).

Scientific research improves with collaboration, support, and dedication on behalf of both faculty and staff. We look forward to more collaborative projects between the university and the community or governmental institutions in different sectors. Strategic cooperation results in better community service as well as humanitarian, social and economic improvements, done through putting the findings of scientific research into practice.

Best Wishes,

Prof. Maamar Bettayeb

Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies