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Programs & Degrees

The English Language Center offers the following non credit programs, for the duration of one semester each, on the University of Sharjah's main campus:


 Intensive English Program:

  • Foundation 1 & 2  25 hours per week of classroom instruction in listening, speaking, reading, writing and introductory IELTS preparation (Intensive English Program).

  • Preparatory 3 & 4  20 hours per week of classroom instruction in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and IELTS preparation (Intensive English Program).  Students in this program are permitted to take one or two Arabic-medium courses, which count towards their major requirements.


Special Skills Program

This program comprises courses in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, which meet three (3) hours per week. They are mandatory courses for students who have entered their majors but have not successfully achieved an IELTS score of Band 5 in one or more of the IELTS skill components.

The same above programs, with the exception of the Special Skills Program, are offered at the University's Community College in Sharjah, Maleiha, Kalba and Dibba and at the University's  Khor Fakkan branch. At the Community College, women attend classes in the mornings from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, while men attend classes from 2:30 am to 9:00 pm.