-Syrian Refugee Youth in Jordan: Early Marriages in Perspective. (Local Coordinator), (2017-2020).
- Humanitarian Access: Pathways for Refugees from Transit to Safe Havens (Local Coordinator),(2018).
- On Political Violence: Trauma and Forced Migration in Arab and German Societies. (Local Coordi-nator),(July - Dec 2018).
- Community Based Psychosocial Support in the Context of Forced Migration", 1 year.
- Socio-economic Inequalities within Cities Hosting Syrian Communities in Jordan: A city level analysis (Researcher),(
Sept 2018 -Dec 2019)
- Reshaping Attention and Inclu-sion Strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the for-cibly displaced (Researcher),(Jan 2019 - Dec 2021).
- Refugees, Host Communities and Sustainable Development Goals (Local Coordinator),( Jan 2019-Dec 2020).
- Localization of Social Work in Arab Countries (LOSWAC),( Jan 2019-Dec 2020).
- Neurodevelopmental CAre for Refugees / NeuCaRe (Local Coor-dinator),(2019-2021).
- Social Protection and Sustainable Peace in the Middle East and North Africa Region: Building a new welfare-centered politics (Co-Investigator),(2020-2024)
- ‘Examination of obstacles to fe-male labour market participation in Jordan (Local Researcher), (2020-2021)
- 'Learning & development for a Sustainable future for refugees &host communities to promote co-existence and Socio Economic Development (LSFR)' (Local Coordinator and Trainer ), (2020-2022)
- A new portal for city information modeling: systems integration in industry and sustainable urban re-generation (CIM-SUR) (local researcher), (2020-2021)
- Virus Corona in Jordan :Social Analytical Study, (2020-2021)
- INCLUDE: Towards more Sus-tainable Services and Solutions to SRHR needs for Youth and Refu-gees in Jordan, (Local Coordinator) (April 2020- March 2021).
- Building Refugees Integration through urban development and soCial work (BRICK). (Jan 2021-Dec 2022)
- Transnationalism and Localisation in Social Work: Focus on Syrian Refugees". (Jan 2021-Dec 2022)
-Nashwan, Nawyn, Karaoglu, Qaji, Qaji. (2023 Accepted). Beyond COVID Skepticism: Humanitarian assistance to refugees and hyper precarity during the COVID-19 pandemic, Migration Letters.
- Ezgi Karaoğlu; Stephanie J. Nawyn; Natalynn Qaji; Natalie Qaji; Ayat J. Nashwan; Stephen Gasteyer (2023 Accepted )Refugee COVID-19 Protocol Ad-herence and NGO Staff Perceptions Paternalism and Power in Humanitarian As-sistance" Journal of International Humanitarian Action.
-Barhoumi, W., Algharbawi, F., Nashwan, A.J., Alkarbi, N., Labidi, L. (2023).Faculty Members' Perspectives on the Impact of Educational Technology on the Teaching and Learning Process at the University of Sharjah (2023 Infor-mation Sciences Letters, 12(6), pp. 2587–2598
- Al-Doghmi, N., Nashwan, A., & Alkhatib, H. (2023). Shattering a New Glass Ceiling: A Case of Jordanian Women in Leading International Projects. International Journal of Soci-ety, Culture & Language, (), 1-18. doi: 10.22034/ijscl.2023.2000027.2999
- Nashwan, A.J. and Alzouabi, L. (2023), "The aftermath of the Syrian crisis: a glimpse of the challenging life of widowed and divorced refugee women in Jordan", Mental Health and Social Inclusion, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/MHSI-01-2023-0007
- AlGharabawi, AlHourani, Nashwan (2023 Accepted). Social Capital and Neighborhood Se-curity in Emirates Society: A Sociological Study on a Sample of Sharjah Neighborhoods. Dirasat : Human and Social Sciences.
- Nashwan AJ, Al-Fayyadh S, AL-Hadrawi H, Al-Jubouri MB, Jaafar SA, Hussein SM, Nashwan AJ, Alharahsheh MA, Kader N, Alabdulla M. (2022). Development and Initial Validation of Stigma Towards Healthcare Providers Working with COVID-19 Patients Scale (S19-HCPs). J Multidiscip Healthc. 2021;14:3125-3134